Surprise! Ragnar and Ivar aren’t dead
In the cliffhanger that wasn’t of last week’s episode, Ragnar and Ivar find themselves beached like whales on the shores of Wessex. They are without boats and what was already a rag tag crew of raiders has been reduced to a crew that is even ragged-y-er.
Now that the Vikings are stranded in Wessex, Ragnar’s crew hate him even more. Solution? KILL THEM ALL!!!!
But it’s ok because old Rags wasn’t planning on going back to Kattegat anyway. So glad he filled everyone in on that part of the plan ahead of time.
So now it’s just Ragnar and Ivar against the world. Which, on the surface, seems like a horrible idea. An old man and a cripple? And yet…
Ragnar always seems to have a plan. Even if it involves getting captured by the Saxons. Pretty sure, by this point, Ivar is wishing he had listened to his mother and stayed home.
Kattegat under siege
FINALLY!!! Lagertha gets to rain holy Hel down on Asluag! But only after removing Ubbe and Sigurd from the equation by tempting them with their shared slave girl. Ugh.
Moving on…
As much as Lagertha wants to take back what is hers, she recognizes that slaughter all the people of Kattegat would be a mistake. They are her people after all. With one word, she calls an end to the fighting.
See, Aslaug, that is how a true queen rules her people.
In our first glimpse of the traitorous Duke Rollo, he is gazing longingly out a window as Bjorn and his fleet arrive by Frankish escort. Rollo might as well be jumping up and down with glee at their arrival.
Source What I said when Rollo came on screen
You know that feeling when you are anticipating seeing your bae for the first time in forever and when you finally see them, your first reaction is WTF are you wearing? Those Frankish clothes, as beautifully intricate as they are, are not my favourite look for Rollo. Ragnar was right when he said his brother looked like a bitch.
Rollo rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy wants to go raiding with Bjorn but he’s going to be coy about it. So coy that he throws Bjorn, Floki, Hvitsek and the rest in the dungeon to make it seem like he is not too eager. Harald and Halfdan are none too impressed with their leader and proceed to call Bjorn out. Meanwhile, Bjorn is all “I’m not listening lalalala”.
Finally, Rollo plays his hand by showing Bjorn an even BIGGER map of the Mediterranean. (Why do men always try to out do each other with size anyway?) and basically screams, “TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!! These clothes are suffocating my real Viking self!”
Gisla, however, is not at all pleased with her husband. After she stamps her feet and pouts for a bit, he goes off with Bjorn anyway, leaving Gisla and the children behind. It’s a pattern with the Lothbrok men. Ragnar left Lagertha to raid. Then he left Aslaug to Raid. Bjorn left Torvi to raid. Now, Rollo leaves Gisla to raid.
Bjorn is not about to let his uncle back into the fold that easily so he puts Rollo through the Viking version of a baptism to cleanse his soul of the Christian God he was worshiping in Frankia.
Rollo gets hauled up at the very last second and the long boats continue on their way. Are all Rollo’s sins now forgiven? Guess we will find out.
All Vikings images are courtesy of the History Channel