My post today was going to be all about celebration and shattering glass. Well, sheeyut.
I’m a proud Hillary voter, and today I am devastated. And that’s okay to feel that way.
The things I wrote about HRC in my original post still hold true.
She is a woman.
She is a badass.
She is a mother.
She is a wearer of pantsuits.
She is the most qualified.
She is a killer of bloated pumkpins.
What am I feeling today? Sadness. Hurt. Anger.
I was so excited to wake up to this face and tell her about the new girl President. My baby was sad. She cried. But then she smiled because she is seven and seven is a very hopeful age. Plus, she has a dog.
Real quick, let’s talk about Donald…
I don’t want to hold onto my anger because it only hurts me. But if you want to be mad, BE MAD. If you are too tired to hope, be too tired to hope. If you feel your fight is gone, it’s okay to rest.
Today is all about YOU DO YOU, to keep yourself sane. Post election self-care.
I got this note from my awesome feminist Dad on my Facebook page.
I’ve had a rough few weeks. I got dumped by my amazing boyfriend, and now this. I am tired of being sad. So today I am going to go out and do something to help people. I’m going to give blood at 1 PM. It’s small but it’s SOMETHING. Draining myself of red and white bloods cells is part of my self care today.
If you want to sit in bed all day and watch The Crown, do it. If you want to go to a kickboxing class, do it. If you want to tell your racist Uncle to fuck himself ten ways to Sunday, do it. If you want to eat creme brulee with Huma and Hills, be bad and do it!
Do whatever you need to do today. Because you are alive. And you are enough. There are amazing TN feminist women who love you. Bekah! Beth! Nikki! Heidi! Katy! Tiffany! Jamie! Julie! We need each other. We might not feel like dealing with our Vagendas of Manicide today, but don’t worry. We will get back it.
Do What Makes You Happy Today and Celebrate That! GIF PARTY!
I’m Going to Drink a Mazel Tov Cocktail!
Featured image courtesy of The New York Times.