What do I have to say about this episode? Well, first I have to say “I’m sorry.” I totally forgot about Tara and Heath. My bad. Next would be, “This episode reminded me of how much I liked both of them.” Pragmatic Heath and awkward Tara who reminds me of myself. She’s irritating, funny, hates to run, tries hard to be optimistic but really knows it’s all for shit, enjoys flicking off small children, and is extremely loyal. That’s me in a nutshell.

First This Happened
We start out by watching a small child stake a Walker in the head and then rush off giddily to take out another. Only to have her older companion stop her before doing so to make sure that Walker is truly a Walker. It wasn’t. It was Tara. Unconscious and drifting in the surf. Sounds like my last beach vacation.
We get a flashback scene of Tara and Heath out scavenging for supplies. They’re not having much luck and Heath is…a little pissy about it all. Also, he’s still touchy about the way they handled the killing of all those people at the satellite center. Heath and Tara come upon a bridge that looks like some people tried to defend. Whilst scouting amongst the ruins of that camp, Tara dislodges a shit ton load of sand that sadly is infested with Walkers. During the ensuing battle, Tara is knocked off the bridge and we are lead to believe that Heath took off.

Photo Courtsey of AMC
Back on the beach, Cyndie (the adult) stops Rachel (the small turd) from killing Tara even though, per Rachel, those are the rules.
Cyndie takes it upon herself to drag Tara to a more safe position and leave her food, water, and the staff as a weapon. Tara wakes up and follows Cyndie to her group.

Photo Courtsey of AMC
Then These Things Happened
Tara starts scouting out the little community and gets caught, of course. But not before she spies a huge cache of guns and ammunition. Along comes Beatrice, she tries to take Tara out with a shotgun only to loose said shotgun to Tara. Instead of killing her Tara spares her but just knocking her out. As she turns to flee she’s brought up short by little turd Rachel who once again tries to kill her. Cyndie, again, saves Tara and then argues for her life with the round leader, Natania (who also happens to be Cindy’s grandmama).

Photo Courtsey of AMC
They question Tara about what she was doing there. She lies, pretty terribly, about her past. After A LOT of discussion and one awkward dinner the decide to “let her go” back to her group. Except, they didn’t really let her go. They had planned for Beatrice and Kathy to take Tara out in the woods and well…take her out.

Photo Courtsey of AMC
Beatrice admits to knowing about the saviors and tells Tara that her group is already dead. Tara doesn’t believe her, or maybe she does and just doesn’t want to admit it.

Photo Courtsey of AMC
With the help of Cyndie, Tara gets away and makes it back to the bridge that she fell off of. Cyndie demands that Tara swear not to tell anyone where the Oceanside group is. After making that swear, Tara and Cyndie work together to get Tara where she needs to be to look for Heath. He’s not there.
Finally, We Ended With This
Tara makes her way back to Alexandria and stops inside a small gift shop where she finds a doctor bobble head. Reminding us once again that she still believes her girlfriend Denise is alive.
Tara makes it back to Alexandria and we watch as she lies to Rosita about not finding any guns or weapons out in the wild.
What I want for the next episode:
- All, the same things I wanted in the last episode.