This episode was an extra long one. Or if you counted the insane amount of commercials, a normal length episode for any other show on television today. Seriously, I feel like I spent more time fast forwarding through commercials than being emotionally tortured by Rick’s despair.
First these things happened
While we had a longer than normal episode, there really wasn’t too much action-wise going down. We learned that Michonne is a terrible sniper and that Rosita is crafty enough to try and get some guns off the Savior-Walkers that were hanging around.
Photo Courtsey of AMC
Mostly this entire episode was one long experiment in just how far Negan can push and punish Rick. Negan shows up early, takes almost all the mattresses, the medicine, makes Rick hold and carrying around Lucille, and random items from people’s homes. He also takes all of their guns. Now, some people may want to blame Carl for that, but Negan is a smart man, he was going to take those guns regardless of what Carl did.
Photo Courtsey of AMC
We had to watch as Rick told the group that he is no longer in charge and Negan is. For a man who once hated being in charge and then grew into the mantle proudly (if not bloodily), he sure did hate having to tell the people of Alexandria that he’s no longer the boss man. Can’t say I blame him.
Photo Courtsey of AMC
Then this happened
With two guns missing and Olivia’s life on the line, no one should have been surprised that Spencer hid them. As Negan was leaving, Rosita and Spencer show back up with Darryl’s bike. They give the bike to Dwight, and we watch as the Saviors get ready to leave. Enter Michonne. She still had the sniper rifle.
Thankfully, Rick was able to talk her into giving it up and acting as though she went hunting. This whole episode I was worried that my happy little Richonne ship would sink. But with a heartfelt confession from Rick, Michonne caved in, and it looks as though our ship will sail for another day.
Then we had a confession
What was that all powerful confession? Just that baby Judith isn’t Rick’s biological daughter. But we already knew that. The shocking thing was hearing Rick talk about Shane. He NEVER talks about Shane. Rick wasn’t angry, bitter, resentful, or full of hate for the man that banged his wife and then tried to kill him. No, instead he spoke warmly of Shane and their relationship. Acknowledging Shane as Judith’s biological father and swearing that he wants to be around for as long as possible to help her grow up and survive.
That is why Rick Grimes is my Boo. Such a good man.
To end the torture tactics of this episode, we watch as Michonne gets really upset over what looked like to me a small recently destroyed building. I was wrong. What upset her so much was that it was the mattresses burning. Negan’s crew didn’t need the mattresses, they took them because they could and destroyed them just to fuck with Rick. Now that is some messed up shit.
Looking forward to the next episode
Going forward this is what I want to see:
- Darryl get free and get his bow and bike back
- Rick finally losing it and take his pride back
- Enid to just go away – she’s annoying now
- Maggie to have survived
- Carol and Morgan to ride in and save the day
Really, I don’t ask for a lot.