Who Runs the World?
Set in the not too distant future world of 2074, global warming and years of wars over finite resources have left governments unable to look after their people. Corporations have stepped up in their place and in doing so have created a world split into those that live in “The Green Zone” and the rest who live in “The Red Zone”. Those in The Green Zone enjoy the stereotypical American Dream lifestyle with the picket fence and fancy living while those in The Red Zone try to survive in a very hellish world where tomatoes are revered like the best cut of steak.
There’s a wall
In 2016, the president-elect has spoken of building a wall between the US and Mexico. In 2074, it seems that Canada has done just that along the shared border with the US to keep out illegal American immigrants. It’s almost like art imitating life.
Source How I envision the Canadian side of The Wall
Is the future really that bright?
At first glance, those in The Green Zone have it made. Everything in their world is crisp and bright and clean shaven. Not a whisker to be seen.
Source I don’t want to live in a future without beards.
But every day living is highly regulated. For instance, in an effort to control the population, a couple must first obtain a permit to have a child. Until that permit is issued, birth control is mandatory. So much for choice in the future.
It’s all about love
This is the world that Ben Larson exists in. As Sean told me, Ben is a persona created by Aaron 6 years earlier to infiltrate a large corporation, known as Spiga, to find the woman he loves who sold herself to the company as a sex slave for executives.
It remains to be seen if it (Ben) is really who he is. He built himself a new life with a marriage to the daughter of the head of the American offices and has become a very successful junior executive at the company. They’re (the two identities) two cogs grinding and are pulling in opposite ways. Aaron is able to stomach Ben far more at the beginning of the series than he can at the end. he is forced to so some things he never thought he was capable of. If people weren’t so nasty and taking advantage of others in a weaker position then he wouldn’t be in this position in the first place. He’s a byproduct of his world.