First, let’s start with a moment I liked:
I really did not expect this one. The kissing, maybe, but not the possibility that Caroline was actually falling for Dwight, which makes me like her character a lot more than I did previously. I’m not sure I’m shipping them hard core yet, but they have potential.
Then there were some moments that left something to be desired. Like this one:
Where all I could say was: “Heck no, Elizabeth! Are you TRYING to start an affair? Run away, Ross! Run away!”
Toward the middle of the episode, it looked like things were headed in a better direction:
I’m all for Elizabeth making eyes and suggestive smiles at her husband. But does anyone else wonder why rich, British married couples used to have separate bedrooms?
Then there was this moment, when EVERYTHING was going in the right direction:
I’ve always read those tin tubs were uncomfortable and barely allowed someone enough room to sit in it with bent knees. But Ross and Demelza make it look hot enough that I’d like to install one somewhere in my house!
Did anyone else watch this scene and just KNOW that something awful was coming?
It was so sweet and perfect. There are only two times when those scenes happen in a show: the finale and right before someone dies. And we all knew it wasn’t the finale.
“Why the hell didn’t you learn to swim.”
I get the dramatic irony of that and everything, but I was just starting to like you, Francis!
And then there was the grieving Elizabeth, who lost no time in clinging to her other true love:
And Demelza, who watched it with dread, unable to do anything about it, because it’s not like you can shout at a grieving widow to get her hands off your husband.
So what did you think of last night’s episode? Did you see the end coming? Do you like Dwight and Caroline together? Were you coming around on Francis or were you all right watching him go? Let’s discuss!