TN NOTE: Grab the tissues friends, what started as Beautiful Bastard has found it’s way to Beautiful, the LAST (yes, LAST, can you believe it?) story in the Beautiful series. To celebrate and get a little wistful, our friends, authors Christina Lauren have written down all their favorite lasts for That’s Normal!
In celebration of our final book in the Beautiful series, we thought we should celebrate our favorite Lasts! So, here is a random assortment of Best Last Things, by CLo . . .Best last dance song at a prom: Blame it on the Rain by Milli Vanilli
Best movie with the word “Last” in it: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Best song with the word “Last” in it: Last Goodbye, by Jeff Buckley
Best season finale: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Five Finale: The Gift
Best series finale: Breaking Bad
Best last song on an album: Mothers of the Disappeared, U2 Joshua Tree
Best last book in a series: Isla and the Happily Ever After, Stephanie Perkins
Best last movie in a series: Godfather III
Best last stop on a train: Nice, France
Best last line in a book: “Are there any questions?” The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood
Best last scene of a movie: Cruel Intentions
Favorite last scene of Beautiful series: The epilogues of Beautiful
TN Note: Thank you for all the stories, smiles, swoons and laughs! We’ve loved the Beautiful series and look forward to all the others on the horizon!
Buy Beautiful by Christina Lauren, it’s out TODAY!
Add your thanks, funny GIFs, pictures and love to the comments for the ladies and what you’re looking forward to from their writing next!