Having to buy textbooks
Probably one of the most painful aspects of going back to school. Stay away from the bookstore. It is full of prices that will makes you want to crawl into a fetal position. Save that money for Chipotle, guys. Check Cheg and Amazon for you books needs.
Getting to see all the friends you made that live across the state or across the country.
Having a quarter life crisis about your major and future.
Yeah, a quarter life crisis is a thing. I have it every quarter of the hour.
When you tally up all the despair
Being savvy as hell
I have become 100% more creative since becoming a college student. Tip: if you don’t have curtain hooks, use some hangers. It works.
When you go to your first class and they start lecturing immediately.
When you have to do your first assignment
Having to do that monster pile of laundry you’ve been neglecting
Being all creative with Ramen
Yes, this works. Yes, I’ve done it. Like I said, creative.
And finally, coming home to bae.
Did you experience these emotions in college too? What was the worst part/best part for you?