We know you used Pinterest to make the perfect end-of-year gift for your kid’s teachers and plan your summer vacation. You’re likely already planning this year’s Halloween costumes and the perfect Thanksgiving dinner. We also know about your Pins you never plan on bringing to fruition and your secret boards…we get it, we know. Here at That’s Normal, we’re on Pinterest too. Don’t be ashamed, fly your freak flag. Let your inner Martha Stewart loose and follow us.
Our lovely Pinterest team has compiled some of our favorite Pins and boards from That’s Normal’s Pinterest page,
Hello all, I’m Elise. My story is a tale as old as time around here… came for Outlander, stayed for the wittiness and sarcasm. Then, they let me unleash my inner Jersey-girl on the TN Pinterest boards and now they’re letting me share my top three favorites with you:
For Fox Sake Cross Stitch
This one comes courtesy of my friend Rachel. It’s what Pinterest was created for: subversive crafting and fun word play combined with cute animals. Plus, cross-stitching inappropriate phrases with thread and needle can make you feel doubly productive AND classy as hell while you’re binge-watching Grace & Frankie.
That’s Not a Thing Board
Admittedly not our most frequently populated board….but when you’re traversing the world of Pinterest (and the internet in general), sometimes you need an outlet for the really, really, really bad ideas. You can’t keep those to yourself….it’s damaging. This board also makes it into my recommendation list because it was a “That’s Not a Thing” category post on TN that made me go….oh YEAH!!! this is where the other people like me are meeting up on the interwebs.
I’m a Little Cooler
Ugh I’m sorry….I always love a good (bad?) pun or dad-joke. But you all are letting me do this, so imma pin what I want.
I’m Jamie, a SAHM to an absolutely adorable little boy and I married to my best friend who doesn’t mind that I spend way too much time online. I discovered the awesomeness that is That’s Normal almost immediately when I joined Twitter in 2014. So when they sent out a message looking for people to help them out with some of their SM sites, I didn’t hesitate. And now I’m part of the fabulous trio that makes sure TN’s Pinterest boards are the best boards ever. Here are a few of my favorite boards and pins:
Bachelor/Bachelorette: This is one of my most favorite boards that we have. The very talented and always hilarious TN contributor, Heidi, writes the best recaps. She does such a great job, you don’t even need to watch the show, if can’t handle all the drama. I love drama, but I might love Heidi’s recaps even more.
Lagertha is my spirit animal!Source
I love shows with strong female characters, especially in leading roles. And Lagertha definitely fits into the “Strong Female” category. This pin is part of our Vikings board, which is filled with all your Valhalla needs and Katy’s most excellent recaps.
Need to escape to a land of beautiful men? Look no further, we have just the place for you! It’s our Man Crush Everyday I don’t think I need to explain this one too much. Who doesn’t love having a place filled with good looking dudes who you can drool over whenever you please!?! That’s normal, right?!
Howdy! I’m Courtney. I, too, was lured into the That’s Normal trap by Outlander. I soon discovered a great group of ladies who were as crazy as I was. I’m an avid reader and pinner. I’m currently trying to up my Twitter game. I also try to bring my southern flair to our brilliant Pinterest team.
Hangouts: Y’all MUST know I love Outlander. Although season 2 has fallen a bit flat, our weekly Hangoutlander sessions have made up for it in spades…or glasses of wine. Whatever. You can find all of our previous Hangoutlanders, plus other hangouts on out Hangouts board. They’re gems. You can thank me later. One of my favorite TN writers, Amy can recommend a good Rosé for watching.
Game of Thrones: As much as I love Outlander, I LOVE Game of Thrones. Its more of an obsession. Our Game of Thrones Board includes our coverage of GOT plus some of our faves from across Pinterest. We literally know more than Jon Snow, or whatever his name is.
Let’s be honest,