You know how everyone quotes the Howard Beale character from Network when they are fed up? “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” Good for you, Howard. I feel you. Women feel you, because women feel the exact same way. But the difference is that Howard is a dude and women are not. Women don’t have the luxury of the last six words. “Not gonna take take it anymore.” Women are mad as hell and we keep taking your shit.
This has been a summer filled with doodoo, and I’m over it. I’ll probably still be over it a year from now, putting up with male doodoo.
We’ve got the first female candidate for President from a major politcal party. The best tennis player in America (the world!) is a woman. The most popular ($$$) genre in fiction – Romance – is written by women and read by women. We got lady Ghostbusters. And yet all I smell is your poop.
Hillary is over you
Last Thursday, Clinton accepted the Democratic nomication for President of the United States of America. During her speech, this guy had some advice.
Instead of lecturing 2 citizens @HillaryClinton needs 2 have conversation w/us. Modulate voice. Tell stories. Set hopes. Smile #DNCinPHL
— Steve Clemons (@SCClemons) July 29, 2016
Did you just tell a woman to f’ing smile? Have you been living under Roger Ailes’s hamburger ball sack for the past ten years? Women are sick of you telling them to smile.
For those of u stopping by to note my unintended sexist comment that @HillaryClinton should smile I completely apologize 1/2
— Steve Clemons (@SCClemons) July 29, 2016
Oh, you meant no harm? Thanks for the apology, Steven Pooface! Women are telling you for real this a big problem, but your intent trumps our experiences apparently.
Hillary has been judged on her voice, her hair, and the number of people she has buried under the endzone of Giants Stadium. I was a Congressional intern in 1994, during the Universal Healthcare fight. Hillarycare they called. Working for a Republican that summer, I sat in on many meetings during which Congressmen and staffers (led by Jenny Thomas, wife of Clarence) worked tirelessly to demonize Hillary, ignoring he actual contents of the President’s proposal. It was gross then, and 22 years later, it still is.
Even Sarah Palin had to deal with it. Remember that ‘shopped photo circulating around of her on a bikini holding an assault rifle? That’s caca. Spanish for crap.
Ghostbusters are over you
I took my seven-year-old daughter to see for the movie two reasons. One is that she is obsessed with anything scary. Goosebumps. Jaws. Some game called Five Nights at Freddie’s. Jumping out at me and screaming BOO in the middle of the night when she gets up to tinkle. (If I die of a heart attack, make sure the coroner report lists RUBY PATRICIA as the cause).
The second reason I took her was because attending was a feminist act. I went in with no expectations, but I went in knowing that my box office contribution might shut up some of the critics who think women can’t be funny. Was the movie good? It was perfectly fine. Way better than Central Intelligence. Do I love the original Ghostbusters? Yes. Want to know why? BECAUSE I WAS ELEVEN WHEN I SAW IT. Are you one of those men who think Paul Feig ruined your childhood? Poor you. You know who ruined my childhood? Idiot lawmakers in SC who refuse to pay public school teachers like my dad a living wage. Get over yourselves.
Grieving Mothers are over you
Before Hillary’s speech at the DNC, Khizr Khan took the podium to speak about his son Humayun Khan, a 27-year-old Army captain who died in Iraq in 2004. During his speech, with his wife at this side, Khan challenged Donald Trump, saying “You have sacrificed nothing and no one.” Trump responded in typical Trump fashion.
Donald Trump on Khizr Khan's speech: "I'd like to hear his wife say something"
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) July 31, 2016
According to Trump: “His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me, but plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet and it looked like she had nothing to say.”