My last several Halloween costumes have been so lame they were almost kind of amazing. Four years ago, I wore vampire teeth and carried around on empty gallon of milk (which was filled with captain and coke – because REASONS), and called myself the Vampire Dairies. Thank you, Grace Helbig. The following year, I dressed up as an HVAC repairman, because that’s what my husband does for a living. He dressed up at a Veterinary Technician because we were slackers and waited til the night of to figure out costumes we went as the scariest people we knew – each other. After that was the year I carried around a box and told everyone my costume was “thinking outside of the box”. I am the WORST.
I don’t know about you guys, but I look a little…..hammered. (ba-dum-ta)
So for me, the thought of doing any sort of cosplay is riddled with a crazy amount of anxiety. What if I look stupid (but not on purpose)? What if people laugh at me? What if I can’t find EXACTLY what I want? Why am I so bad at sewing?
On one hand, I could care less what anyone has to say or think about me and my cosplay, but on the other, I want nothing but wholehearted approval. My brain is a scary jumbled place sometimes. It could be why my old therapist started crying that one time…
I hate that every time I tell someone I am going to a Con, I immediately hear, “You’re not one of THOSE people who dress up and stuff, are you?” My answer is always the same, “I wish! Those people have way more talent than I do!” Because it does take talent to cosplay. It takes time, dedication, patience, and skill. All of which I do not possess.
Which is why MY cosplay consists of two items that I bought and a pair of shoes I already have. In total, my cosplay cost me $25. Not too bad for my first time, huh?
So what is my magical cosplay? Where are the pictures of it? Well, for that friends you’re going to have to stay tuned. I’m going to Chicago Comic Con next week and will be debuting all two minutes of internet searching my hard work for the perfect cosplay. Fingers crossed I lady up and actually wear it.
Source Still better than the new Powder Puff Girls reboot.