There were some varied opinions on our team which included Bekah, Nikki, Beth and Julie from That’s Normal, plus Kyle from AND a very special guest and TN reader, Joanna. We definitely disagreed on some of the ways the finale fell short and on things we liked, but overall we thought it was a decent finale that was missing some key elements that, to be honest, were probably missing all along this season. Namely Jamie and Claire! We watch the show because we fell in love with their love while reading the books. And overall we just feel that the show has been lacking.
Beth wrote an incredible post this week that you should check out that talks about Putting down the book and looking at the TV show for what it is
Just because Outlander is over does NOT mean that the Totally Normal Podcast is over or that Hangoutlander is over!. Stay tuned as we bring you more podcasts (live from comic con anyone?) and we’ll be back with Hangoutlander during the break between now and season 3- we have a lot to talk about preparing for Voyager.
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