Autism In Love (Netflix 2015)
We all either know someone who is autistic or someone whose family member is autistic. This documentary shows how beautiful love can be and how people with disabilities are still human beings with needs. It provides such an interesting side of autism that not all of us are privy to.
My Beautiful Broken Brain (Netflix 2014)
This documentary showcases on of my greatest fears, being stuck in your own mind. It follows Lotje Sodderland as she recovers from a massive stroke. Having to relearn everything; writing, reading, even speaking. Lotje shows us the struggle that goes into healing and to never give up.
Kids For Cash (Netflix 2013)
If this documentary doesn’t leave you feeling so angry you could spit nails, I don’t know what will. Kids for Cash highlights the scandal that President Judge Mark Ciavarella and Senior Judge Michael Conahan found themselves in when they accepted kickbacks to send juvenile offenders to a privately owned for-profit youth detention centers. Conahan and Ciavarella accepted over a million dollars to increase the numbers at the detention centers; sending kids there for things as minor as mocking a middle school principle. Yeah, this one will get you riled up.
Coma (HBO 2007)
You know how in books a character will be in a coma for a week or so and then wake up like it’s no big deal? Yeah, that’s really not how that works. At all. This documentary shows us the real story behind comas and what happens after you wake up, if you actually do. It’s heartbreaking, inspiring, and real.
White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (HBO/iTunes 2007)
This is my favorite documentary of all time. It’s so haunting and powerful. Survivors of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki retell what happened on those days of terror and how they’ve struggled with continued health problems and social stigma’s since then. The men who literally dropped the bombs also share their thoughts, feelings, and guilt over doing their jobs. Everyone who has ever said, “just drop a bomb on them and be done with it”, NEEDS to watch this documentary.
Have you seen any of these documentaries? What did you think of them?