If you’ve been missing #Snaplander over on snapchat, we’ve got you covered today with #Snaplander’s episode 205 snap-recap. Enjoy!
Or the Herp?
That time Jamie imitates the “oh shit” emoji with a flawless delivery
I need to know if this guy is just as creepy IRL
Jamie you’re no match for Villain Bae in this scene. Drop that mic & just walk away you beautiful grey wigged bastard (insert all of the heart eyes ever here)
The Moment we all started to turn on Claire.
Maybe they should have registered at Target? Baby’s R Us?
This guy has perma bitch face and is fickle AF
#EGBTT sorry not sorry.
The That’s Normal Outlander jury came back with a solid “yes” #English
Long Live the King!
Jamie doesn’t want to play tune in Tokyo with you Jack Black.
Claire, seriously girl, you’re pissing us all off.
Things are finally starting to get good! Remember to follow #Snaplander on Snapchat user name: thatsnormal. Snap ya later!
xoxo Snaplander.