There’s nothing I love more than Outlander, well that’s not entirely true, but I really do get a kick out of providing our lovely followers with an ongoing snap commentary on the show. These last couple of weeks I have fallen behind in giving you people what you really want- Yes I have become Slacklander, and for that I am truly sorry. Because of my in ability to recap weekly y’all are getting 3 in one today, a Ménage à trois if you will, (this is one of the only french phrases I know so pretend it makes sense okay?). So buckle up my fine friends its time for your #Snaplander, Outlander-Snap-recap.
Episode 202 : Honey pots, BM’s & Bitchfaces.
The one with the wrong kind of dagger
Master Raymond has Skulliosis
Hair today gone tomorrow
Claire is not like Shakira, her hips do lie
And I don’t wanna miss a thing… I take that back I rather not watch your unsuccessful bowel movement.
The Duke levels up
Episode 203 : Lost Snakes and Side Eyes
Once again the show hands me a pretty easy dick joke
Bonnets and bottles
Is it just me or anyone else picking up the vibe Murtaugh is throwing out?
Is anything in the world more boring than Chess? Oh yeah maybe this episode..
That time we are so hard up for some action in this show we see possibilities in every character.
but who are we kidding we’d all throw it all away for Villain Bae.
Pus? Puss? who cares just want a love like this.
That time when every facial expression was so over the top.
Episode 204 : The Villain Bae Rock and the WWE Presents: A Night with the Frasers
Glad to see this episode wont be light on chess.
Copyright: weird apocalyptic slow minded Rob
The time the Comte says what we are all thinking
Hiding behind a blade of grass leads to some grab ass at last
Well this is awkward
Finally in case you missed the fight at the dinner I will leave you with the outtakes
Not following us on Snapchat yet? What are you waiting for?! Username: thatsnormal and stayed tuned for constant continued coverage of Outlander here on That’s Normal.