Fancy tissues
I don’t know about anyone else, but all of the little packs of tissues I get for my bag only have about seven little things about a third of the size of a normal tissue in them. That’s not going to do it. I’m bringing a big purse and stuffing a ton of those travel packs in there. To ward off some of the devastation I found some fun ones!
Deer and flowers?! Not that anyone will see them, since it’ll be dark. But you’ll know. And hopefully that teensy touch of whimsy will cheer you up a bit. (Just kidding obviously. NOTHING WILL.)
Big sunglasses
When a dear friend of mine finally read the book and talked about going to the movie she said we had to go see it “in the blackness of night” because our faces would not be suitable for the public after. A wise choice. But if we decide we need a bit more coverage than the dark can provide, sunglasses may be in order. I like to think that wearing sunglasses at night will make us look like a super stylish trendsetter, a Victoria Beckham or Anna Wintour type. Most likely we’re going to look like old ladies with glaucoma who wear those enormous sunglasses over their regular glasses. We’re going to give it a shot anyway.
We’ve got tiny heads, so something along these lines should provide about 80% facial coverage. Perfect.
And finally…
Wine ice cream
Two birds with one stone, right? Why fight it?
Are you ready for Me Before You this weekend? I am most definitely not.