Sara, played by Sarah Wayne Callies, opens the trailer describing Michael as “a storm appearing suddenly out of a clear blue sky and then disappearing just as quickly.” Let’s face it, this line is cheesy as hell, but does add a little atmosphere. With the character of Sara being arguably the weakest link in the storyline, I hope that mom and kid won’t be featured heavily. Hopefully they’ll be restricted as a far-off motivation ala Mia and Baby Bump in the Fast and the Furious movie franchise.
Next, we cut to Lincoln and T-Bag, the latter discovering that Michael has been posting hella moody Instas. #hesbackbitches
Lincoln packs his bags and heads to destination unknown with C-Note and finds his brother in — yet again — another prison. Scofield makes a grand entrance sporting a NEW tattoo! Remember, he got his first full body tattoo completely removed at the beginning of the fourth season. Within the story, it was “to avoid detection from the authorities.” In real life, I heard Wentworth Miller was having allergic reactions to the makeup.
Do we have any linguists out there? Is it sanskrit? I just want to see what’s under the shirt, if you know what I’m saying.
Obviously, Michael isn’t going to stay in prison. We meet his cell mates, who I’ve named Shady AF (far right) and Little Big Hair.
There is some sort of citywide blackout planned, but everything gets thick real quick when C-Note and Lincoln are ambushed!
Then Michael is free, on the run and on to bigger things!
Now, I have to assume because of this trailer that we are not going to be spending a ton of time in the prison. Though it’s a tried and true good story to see Michael be the smartest person in the room, it’s been done. I can’t wait to see what sort of trouble Michael has gotten himself in to and why he’s been hiding from his family for almost a decade.
Here’s the full trailer for your viewing pleasure: