Pregnant women are the worst
Ok, maybe not THE worst. Maybe just THAT pregnant woman is the worst; but seriously if someone was trying to steal my food like that, they’d be pulling back a stump. #FoReal
So Connor makes Alicia a steak and that’s not creepy at all. I have to keep reminding myself that they’re only like two weeks into the zombie apocalypse, because I kept thinking that he was going to threaten her if she didn’t eat the steak. I was seriously waiting for a Governor/Neegan moment. Something really creepy and super intimidating. But alas, Connor was just being creepily nice. Maybe. I don’t know. It was hard to read that guy. But I feel like if we were more like four months into the end of the world, he totally would have threatened her to eat the steak.
Chris is going to ruin everything
Daniel is basically just blotting up Reid’s blood and not giving a fig about what Reid has to say about it. I’ve got to give to Jesse McCartney credit, he played a good asshole. After failing to intimidate Daniel, Reid sets his sights a little lower and starts verbally mind fucking Chris.
AMC – Photo Courtesy of AMC
Why Daniel thought leaving Chris to “watch” Reid was a good idea, I’ll never know. If you want the kid to be useful, go tell him to clean some guns or something. But can we not put the emotionally unstable teenager (HA! aren’t they all?) in charge of watching our pawn?
Jack’s man bun makes me mad
Poor Jack. He’s dumb. Like REAL dumb. He really wants Alicia to like him. I can understand why, Alicia is beautiful. But unless your name is Glenn or Maggie, you’re not destined to be together.
Jack basically spent this entire episode trying to convince Alicia to like him/trust him/run away with him. Jack, Alicia is no fool. She’s not going to settle for a dude with a man bun.
Source OK, maybe THIS man bun is acceptable…
That moment when your cell has a bunch of bullet holes in it
When we find our missing Travis, he’s not in as great a position as Alicia. No one is making him any steak, that’s for sure. While trying to break out of his sketchy looking jail cell, we find another missing person, Alex. You remember Alex right? The girl from Flight 462 and the raft? Yeah, she’s kind of the one who told Connor ALL about The Abigail and the people who live on it. Whoops.
Also, we find out that Alex holds a grudge. A big one. Mercy killing young teenage boys with your bare hands will do that to you. Or so I’m told.
Chris ruins everything
At this point I feel like I could make a “Chris ruins everything” section on everything FTWD recap I do. Who else was not at all surprised that Chris killed Reid? Yeah, me either. Boys are dumb. As soon as Madison works out a deal, Chris has to go and shoot it in the face.
AMC – Photo Courtesy of AMC
Props to Madison for being a badass this episode. She not only negotiated a deal with Connor, she then did her own follow through and went to deliver Connor his brother. His dead brother. His once was dead but now is trying to eat people brother. You know I really think Reid being a walker was a real improvement on his personality. Thankfully Chris’ aim was terrible and Connor came back from the long sleep to grab to a little snack. Good job Daniel for being a problem solver and resourceful as well.
Brothers don’t shake hands. Brothers gotta hug!
Alex and Travis have a good long uncomfortable chat where Alex tells Travis she blames him for everything and Travis agrees that he is in fact the worst (not quite, your son beats you there buddy). Then Alicia realizes that The Abigail is back way too soon to have dropped off her family, so she gets a little….testy.
When Madison came to deliver Walker Reid (THAT’S a good name for a kid. I might have to save that one, you know, just in case I ever feel the need to breed) to his overly concerned big brother. Seriously, Connor demanding to see that Reid wasn’t hurt made my heart stop, I thought for sure Travis or Madison was going to die. But Maddie instead, released Walker Reid’s arms, lifted his hood, and pointed him in the direction she wanted him to go. It was kind of like a zombie version of whacking a piñata. You’re really disoriented but you want to beat something so bad you’re willing to knock out your closest friends and family members for some cheap candy.
AMC – Photo Courtesy of AMC
Talk about awkward family reunions, am I right? Sorry about that Connor, but you kind of had to know that sooner or later Reid was going to kill you. He totally seemed like the kind of guy who would kill his big brother. #Dick
Next Week
Next week seems like it’s going to be pretty intense. Like a high seas version of the under ground rail road. Judging by the fact that it’s our group, I somehow doubt they’ll smoothly sail into Mexico and settle down for Margaritas.