Who else spent the first two minutes of FTWD going: “Is that Nick? I think that might be Nick. I can’t tell, his hair looks clean. If that’s Nick, he should wash his hair more often”? So then I realize that it is Nick and that he’s headed towards a clearly deserted tent city. My first thought? This is why I don’t camp.
Camping to me is as terrible as jumping into a pit of dirty syringes. I work hard all year round so that I can be comfortable in my home and occasionally travel to fancy hotels and be comfortable there. If a hotel doesn’t have room service, that to me is camping.
So Nick is walking around covered in walker guts because HE GETS IT. Nick is such a survivor, I had no idea why he was on land, but I knew he was going to be successful in whatever shenanigans he was there to do.
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Babies ruin everything or Ofelia is the worst
I couldn’t decide how to title this section. Both are so true it’s ridiculous. If Strand had been outside when that shady raft pulled up, that bitch would have been telling the fishies that bullshit! First of all, Ofelia, you don’t tell a horny teenage boy that it’ll be OK, probably maybe, if he’s lucky, there’s other girls that lived. You just gave Chris the worst pep-talk of all time. Good job.
Then the only thing that Ofelia has done this entire season is to let those assholes on the boat. True, it’s TOTALLY Alicia’s fault that they’re there, but that little take over could have been squashed if Ofelia hadn’t personally invited those creepers on board.
We’ve been invaded
Now because of Ofelia (and definitely Alicia), we have a bunch of dicks on board trying to take over the boat. Strand’s first thought? To grab his giant gun. But oh wait, that won’t work; because Daniel took the clip and hid it. Like a giant bald child. No wonder Strand peaced out on all y’alls asses. You all deserved it. Except for Nick.
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Strand takes a little boat and starts rowing like the wind. Sadly, his fleeing efforts were thwarted by several bullets hitting his blow up boat.
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Back On Land
While the rest of our rag tag group is engrossed in a total shit show, Nick is busy playing a little basket ball in an empty housing development. This is when everything starts getting REALLY good. In the beginning of the story we watched as Strand and a guy named Thomas were chatting it up at the bar; was anyone else picking up on the tension between the two? I sure was. Apparently Strand stole Thomas’ credit cards and well, Thomas basically let him get away with it by saying that Strand is now obligated to him. The same thing that Strand said to Nick when he saved Nick from the detention center last season. The biggest difference is that Strand and Nick weren’t doing it. Oh yes, that. Strand and Thomas are an item and I LOVE it.
We find out that Nick’s super stinky secret mission is save Luis Flores. Why? Well, presumably because that’s what Thomas Abigail wants. Yeah, as in THAT Abigail. You know, the one the boat is named after. The Abigail, it turns out, is the Abigail family yacht. My family has a yacht too; but we call it a pontoon boat.
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Does our Thomas look familiar? He should, he played the handsome Prince Henry in Ever After with Drew Barrymore. Show of hands, who LOVED that movie? You can’t see it, but BOTH of my hands are in the air. It’s making it quite difficult to type actually.
Back on the water
Things are looking pretty terrible. We have invaders; they shot at Strand and are currently sinking his blow-up battleship, Maddie got her head whacked real hard and she’s feeling super bitter about it. The things she was saying to that pregnant girl? Madison’s got some claws, that’s for sure. Travis is trying to hot wire a yacht, because you know, that’s a good idea. And Alicia is trying to smooth talk her way into Jack’s/Kip’s trust.
What was the outcome for all of this nonsense? When Connor showed up (Jack’s leader) he took Travis and Alicia and said to let the others go. Which of course Reed (played by Jesse McCartney of all people), decided not to do. He was going to kill the rest of our shipmates. Lucky for them Luis just so happens to be a freaking sniper.
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Next Week
Next week should be fun. We get to see what happened to Alicia and Travis. We’ll hopefully get more info into Strand’s life, and probably Nick is going to be disgustingly dirty again. That boy sure does like getting dirty. And not the fun kind either.