*It’s tax day, we have to know for the accountant
Camping out for a Fandom
Back in the day, the line for Twilight snaked through Westwood. Then they moved the premiere downtown and a tent city was formed. Marvel premieres are a little different due to location and rules about vagrancy and camping. Gone are the days of getting your perfect spot days before. Now it’s day of.
Long time reader and IRL friend Jena showed up Tuesday morning for Captain America: Civil War at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood. Last year at this time? I was hanging out for Age of Ultron but after hours of waiting for #teamcap at Kimmel I decided:
But after the premiere I met up with Jena for dinner Tuesday night to get the recap. Jena has some experience with premieres.
Emily: How many premieres have you camped out for?
Jena: Camped overnight? 2, but total 8. The other six hung out all day? The first premiere I ever did was The Matrix Reloaded in Sydney Australia 2003. I got in to see the film bit in a different room than the stars. In 2005 I was visiting Los Angeles and did a Star Tour and stumbled upon Batman Begins. There I witnessed the first Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes public kiss and I wanted to puke. Then came the Twilight years. For New Moon I slept on the curb in Westwood and didn’t get on the carpet because I missed the wristbands with my friends because my flight got delayed. So I slept on curb for stand by and didn’t get stand by. But for Eclipse My wrist band number got called for tickets inside, so I got to watch the movie with the cast. By this time, I was on a Rob kick and went to Remember Me and Water for Elephants in NYC. For Water for Elephants, I slept on the street in the pouring rain and cold for this and we got front row behind barrier, but I got pictures with everyone.
Last year I did Ultron – you were there for that! and this week I did Civil War!
E: What’s next on your radar?
J: Avengers Infinity War Pt 1.
E: Best experience you’ve had while fandoming?
J: I would say Eclipse in my Twilight days because I got photos and autographs with almost everyone and when my number out of all those people in the bleacher section got called out for a ticket to go inside and watch with the cast. What are the odds?!
But, then I would say these past two Marvel premieres because I adore Chris Evans so it’s amazing just to see him. I’ve met a lot of tumblr friends. I found out two people to my right and one to my left were following me on tumblr (I was also following the gal to my left) which is awesome when you figure that out.

Can you spot Jena?
I’ve been early enough to watch them get set up on Hollywood Blvd which I enjoy watching and have met some of the kindest people who take care of each other whether it’s taking pictures for you, saving spots, going to get food and drinks for each other and geeking out together, interested in where everyone came from and walking away having exchanged contact info. Nobody understands this level of excitement the way fellow fandom members do.
E: Advice for anyone who wants to do the next Marvel Premiere?
J: I have a list:
- Do not get up and leave your spot. Unless you have people to guard. It’ll be gone when you come back.
- Be prepared to arrive early and do a lot of standing.
- Do not eat or drink a lot because you won’t be able to leave to go to the bathroom once you’re locked into barrier places.
- Pack a bottle of water or two to sip, and a protein bar or some almonds. Something with protein.
- Get plenty of rest the night before because once that afternoon sun hits you, you will be tired.
- Bring sunscreen and an umbrella to block sun.
- Be nice to security.
- I always like to stand near theater entrances. Sometimes at arrivals they don’t always stop.
- They get out of their cars and go straight to press, but sometimes at theater entrances they get rushed in. So really have to use your gut feeling on where you want to stand. Sometimes people across the street have luck but keep in mind you may be blocked by press and photogs.
- Also, be aware of surroundings. Ask security where signs are going up so you know not to stand in blocked areas.
- Do not bug security, it irritates them. If you are nice they will feed you the right info on where you need to be.
- Do not push or shove.
- Be prepared to be aggressive, not mean aggressive, but if you want a photo with a star you have to make yourself heard and you have to get in there, everyone around you will be shouting, stick your phone or camera out and ask, they will get in a selfie with you.
[Emily note: like this little girl trying to get Paul Rudd’s attention.]
If you timidly wait for an opportunity to ask, it’s going to pass. I don’t want to use the word selfish, but you kind of need to be to get in there and aim to get what you want because they’ll be gone in a second. Always bring external phone chargers. They will be ultimate life savers.
Learn More from Jena
Jena runs a tumblr and facebook dedicated to Marvel Cast DVR Alerts, you can follow those pages here: Tumblr and here: Facebook or follow her on Twitter where cool things happen like Paul Bettany replying to her:
OMG! ? RT @CaptainAmerica: @iJenaBena Are you sure you made the right choice? Find out in theaters. pic.twitter.com/0WkQ4swndP
— Jena Bruner (@iJenaBena) April 14, 2016
Jimmy Kimmel Side Note
On Monday we were joined by Chelsea stood in line and went to Jimmy Kimmel.

Emily, Jena and Chelsea waiting for Jimmy Kimmel
We were inches, okay more like feet, from Chris Evans and #teamcap. So close that during the break Jimmy asked Chelsea what she did for a living. We thought it was impromptu and during the commercials. Well, it was, but was it going to be on TV? Never…

Chelsea tells Jimmy about transporting Wedding Cakes
And we were definitely laughing in the front row when Sebastian talked about the arm and some lube. His deadpan delivery and Chris starting to agree and then cracking up.
After the show Jena got some fantastic selfies with Chris, Paul & Sebastian.

Jena and her boys

I played paparazzi and caught Jena getting her photo with Chris.
I can’t WAIT for Civil War to come out! Are you Team Cap or Team Ironman?
Source: Photos are from Jena or Emily unless otherwise sourced