Here is a peek into Natasha’s day on the carpet, plus some more videos and photos from her time with #OutlanderxSaks!
From Natasha
Spoiler: The #OutlanderxSaks event was my first ever press event and I said “totally” about 37 times to Ron. Sorry. Also I asked him a normal question, and then I asked him a Battlestar Galactica/Outlander mash up question since he made both shows, which I adore. I am not sorry for that. #SoSayWeAllJeSuisPrest
Interview with Ron D. Moore
I was teamed up with Katie MacLeod from Stories my Suitcase Told. Katie is from Scotland but lives in New York. She was very lovely and you will hear her talking next to me on camera, but my giant Claire hair was blocking her!
I cannot say enough good things about everyone I spoke to. Ron, Terry, Cait, and Sam are kind, charming, and very patient with their fans. They may have rushed through the press (and I didn’t get to talk to them much), but they spent a lot of time taking photos, signing autographs, and chatting with everyone who waited in the rain outside the tent.
Interview with Sam and Cait
As a fan myself, I respect the time they spent with their fans, and don’t even mind so much that my contact with them was brief!
It was a soggy, cold day, and I had to wait to pee for a long time, but it was worth it!
Interview with Terry Dresbach
Follow Natasha on Instagram for tons of Costumes & fun!
Natasha’s Current Obsessions: Historical dramas, travel, bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica, sometimes Outlander, always Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, cats, and becoming the geeky version of Martha Stewart. Follow her on Instagram @Bieberfish