Penny Dreadful has given us back Josh Hartnett, raised Eva Green up to A-list status, introduced everyone except Ashley Greene to the beauty of Reeve Carney (EGBTT), and reminded us that Timothy Dalton sexually confused us in The Rocketeer.
Post: Reasons to Catch Up with Penny Dreadful
There’s a lot upcoming in the newest season of what’s arguably one of the best written shows on TV (and certainly the best horror on television as it stays firmly creepy, never campy). Check out this satanic teaser and see what scares you.
Five Things To Terrify You In Penny Dreadful S3
1. Ethan and Vanessa
… are NOT together. I know that this show is not about shipping. I get that … intellectually. But I can’t help that from the first scene of the first episode of the first season, I’ve been anticipating an epic love story between our resident possessed woman and her erstwhile werewolf protector. And it looks like they will have more than ocean between them this season. There will be … another man AND another woman? Please say that their reunion is not just fever dreams.
2. Sex with Satan
I know, I know. I should be over it by now with this show. But something about my puritanical upbringing and that slumber party in 1993 when my best friend made us watch Rosemary’s Baby has ingrained in my psyche an INTENSE aversion to bumping uglies with the Prince of Darkness. I feel super icky during and after.
3. Victorian “Science”
With the introduction of Dr. Jekyll this season, it looks like Frankenstein is going to up the ante on his scientific experiments, and go full Mengele and work out some of his shame on live patients. I’m not sure I can handle 9 inch needles to the eye. HARD PASS.
4. Dorian + Lily
I’ve been waiting and waiting for Dorian Gray to show his true colors. Sure, he’s had moments of madness (and hotness) but he’s been relatively restrained so far. But nothing is scarier than a man with nothing to lose and a ton of disposable resources (OMG IS DORIAN THE VICTORIAN TRUMP???). Put him together with Lily/Brona and it’s a power couple with zero scruples and maximum impact.
5. A Big Death
We said goodbye to Sembene in the most brutal and heart breaking manner last season, and he’s already missed. But the last shot of the teaser has me thinking that we are going to lose someone else this season who’s been essential to our ensemble. Can I handle losing Frankenstein? The creature? Dorian? Maybe. Can I lose Vanessa, Ethan or Sir Malcolm. No, no I CANNOT. I can barely handle losing Sir Malcolm’s beard and Ethan’s bob. Keep my darlings.
At least there’s no dolls.
Penny Dreadful premieres on Showtime on May 1st. Catch more Penny Dreadful on That’s Normal.
What are you dreading this season on Penny Dreadful?