Kids Make Everything More Creepy
Why is watching two kids play on the beach super creepy? Is it because I’m not a parent? It’s probably because I’m not a parent. Seeing those kids playing with sea shells made me think of two things; first, no one ever watches their damn kids in the zombie apocalypse. Second, are we going to have a repeat of kids talking to zombies at the fence? Because we already saw that one play out and well it didn’t too great.
Daniel, Strand, and the Cult of George
So after seeing a light on inside a house, Maddie thinks it’s a good idea to go and investigate. Maddie is a source of terrible ideas. Last week she wanted to save an entire raft full of people, this week she’s wanting to go make friends with a lit up house. She was such a wannabe bad ass last season; this season she’s just kinda dumb. Very disappointing.
Strand decides (smartly) that he’s going to stay by his boat and so Daniel decides (smartly) that him and his daughter are going to stay by Strand. Those two, they get it. They were built for this world. You know who else was? George. The dude who prepared for the end of the world. He was prepared, his son was prepared, his wife was…willing to give his younger children away. More on that later.
George was dropping some truth bombs on Travis that was not as easy to swallow as the wine Maddie’s kids were drinking. When George told Travis to keep the book, that no one was going to be publishing any new books for a long time, you begin to understand that George has a little bit more insight on the current state of affairs than Travis. Travis realizes this as well and tapped into that fount of knowledge. This is how we learned that not only is San Diego gone (R.I.P. SDCC) but so is the entire west coast and into the mid-west.
Strand steps out to make a quick phone call with a mystery person who clearly has a time line and Daniel uses that moment to do some sleuthing. In his search we learn that Daniel can pick locks and that Strand is totally hiding something (#NotAShocker)
Children Ruin Everything
Seriously, kids are the worst. One minute our rag-tag team is ready to hop back onto The Abigail and the next they’re getting weighed down by two children. Because that’s always a good idea, taking someone else’s kids while trying to figure out how you’re going to survive with very limited supplies and oh by the way, the entire west coast has been wiped out. Good idea. You know what else is a good idea? Hiding death pills in a globe and hoping nothing bad happens…like you’re children finding them. Oh. Oh wait. Yeah, that happened.
Just when we’re thinking that we’re going to have two more Judith’s to deal with, we get confronted with the fact that Nick’s little search of the home lead Willa to go after the pills in the globe.
Yeah Nick, you did do that. But you also saved the whole group from getting loaded down with two more very needy mouths to feed. So, in the end, good job.
After watching Willa reanimate and taking out her mother’s throat, the group takes off with the little boy (what was his name? Was it Harry? I feel like it might have been Harry?). That’s when big brother (Sam? I think that one’s name was Sam. #ThingsThatDontMatter) shows up to take back his brother. After Madison tries to talk him into coming with them (seriously Madison, enough will the saving of others!!), big bro and little bro hop off The Abigail only to face their now deceased but shambling towards them Mother.
That really bothered me. I want to know why SHE reanimated so quickly. That made NO SENSE! Also, I have to assume that George took himself out because he was no where to be seen and he was in the room when all that nonsense went down. Is it just me? Did that bug anyone else?
On The Ocean Again
So next week apparently some really good shit is about to go down. We see that chick from the Flight 462 clips, there’s a giant horde of walkers coming at our peeps, who for some reason are on land again. I can’t wait to see what happens!