Brie Larvan is bee-coming a nuisance
I had to, with the pun. This episode is pun-tastic. Brie was a low-level villain that popped up on The Flash last year during an episode where Felicity was visiting the team at Star Labs. While they never met face to face, they faced off behind the computer and Felicity came out the victor. She was also responsible for putting Brie behind bars. But the stupidest justice system in the world thought giving a tech genius computer time was a good idea and Brie has put herself on parole.
Why is she so keen to get out? It turns out that she wants Palmer Tech’s new revolutionary bio-stimulant implant chip (yes, the one currently installed in Felicity’s spine) because she has a tumor and the operation to remove it will leave her paralyzed. So Brie marshals up her high-tech robot bees (that have the ability to form a BEE MAN and no, I’m not kidding) and takes the board of Palmer Tech hostage.
Oliver is “coping” with the breakup
And by coping, I mean he’s beating the crap out of his teammates. With Darhk off the street, they have less to do, but that’s not stopping Oliver putting his friends through the boot camp from hell. The team seems to be tip-toeing around mentions of Felicity, prompting Oliver to scoff “she’s not Voldemort” (which lead to an entirely delightful discussion about how Oliver knows Harry Potter cuz he read some of the books) (though he’s not familiar with the movies… what??).
If you have any doubt that Oliver is still very much 100% in love with Felicity Smoak, check out his reactions when he learns that she’s being held hostage at Palmer Tech.
Also see: his concern when he comes to rescue her towards the end of the episode. And how he tells her that she never has to thank him for saving her.
Don’t mind me, I’ll be in a puddle of shipper tears over here in the corner.
Bad timing for a visit
Mama Smoak is back in town (or does she live in Star City now? I sure wouldn’t mind this question being answered sometime soonish) and she stops by Palmer Tech to cheer up Felicity, post breakup. She shows up at the same time as Thea stops by to ask Felicity if maybe she can give Thea’s newly unemployed BF Alex (remember him?) a job in Palmer Tech’s public relations department. The timing is particularly poor as this is when Brie storms the building and takes the board hostage (killing one of them, so we understand the stakes are real and high).
Communications are shut off, leaving Thea, Donna and Felicity on their own. Luckily, these women are good problem solvers and Thea and Felicity act quickly to not only keep themselves safe, but to save the board and Donna. Felicity devises a plan to get the board and her mother down to the defunct Arrow lair in the basement of the building, from which they can escape. Then, she and Thea are left to face off against the nutty bee lady.
Curtis in the HOUSE!
With Felicity off the team, they need some serious help to deal with this new threat, especially once they learn their loved ones are involved. Luckily, Curtis was sent home sick from work so he’s available to provide some assistance. He hunts down the Arrow lair and his reactions upon learning who all the vigilantes are was one of the funniest moments of the episode. His delight didn’t end there as his geeking out extended to the tech in the lair. Oliver was visibly frustrated by the newcomers delight, as he believes this vigilante life is not just dangerous but destructive for a personal life. He believes that this lifestyle ruined his relationship with Felicity and he doesn’t want that for Curtis and his husband.
Of course, once Oliver is finally ready to accept Curtis as a member of the team, Curtis decides that maybe this life isn’t for him. The reality of the danger got to him a little, by the end of it, and he was happy to return home to his husband Paul and nurse the rest of his cold. I’m pretty sure we haven’t seen the last of Curtis on Team Arrow… this man’s hero’s journey is just beginning.
Felicity’s new mission
Thea took the opportunity while with Felicity to try to urge her to return to the team. She understands why Felicity broke up with her brother, but doesn’t see why she should also leave the team. Felicity explains that the violence and fighting were never appealing to her. Her whole goal was to make a difference in the world.
Because of the chip Curtis invented, Felicity has come to realize she has a new way to achieve that difference. She wants to bring this revolutionary medical technology to world, and not just to the wealthiest 1%. I really enjoy this new drive of hers, but I also think the pull of Team Arrow will also bring her back. She can make a difference in more than one way. Helming Palmer Tech is how she fights darkness in the light of day, much like how Oliver wanted to become mayor to fight darkness in the light of day. Being a part of Team Arrow is about fighting darkness at night. She can do both, and in time she will come to realize this.
I love when bad guys bicker
Malcolm comes to visit Damien in prison and informs him that HIVE is going ahead with “Genesis”, just not with him at the helm. Have fun in prison and good luck with that trial! Darhk has no more access to his mystical powers and is more or less helpless when he’s chained up and Merlyn is taunting him. And oh, the taunts are delightful. I love me some good sass!
Murmur, a low-level bad guy from season, makes a reappearance to try to shank Darhk. It doesn’t go over well when Darhk defends himself easily and he also makes Murmur an offer he can’t refuse. Meanwhile, Merlyn meets up with someone he refers to as Darhk’s “ace in the hole” and it’s revealed to be Dig’s brother, Andy!
Next week? We finally learn who’s in the grave. May god have mercy on our souls.