Since I can’t think of anything worth writing for this opening that wouldn’t just be whining about how I didn’t want the show to end, let’s get to these last *sob* life lessons, a special edition this week called How to End a Fictional Series:
1. Want to scream “happily ever after”? Announce a pregnancy or actually have the baby.
Anna and Bates had a son (IN LADY MARY’S BED!). We didn’t get to learn his name (so not cool, Mr. Fellows!), but he was born and he’s healthy. Happily ever after for one beloved couple? Check.
Lady Mary and Henry–Um, let me hit the pause button for a sec. I had to go look up Henry’s name because I couldn’t remember it! (And I have a nephew named Henry.) This may partially be due to the fact that there are a very limited number of traditional British names and many of them sound alike, but, uh, yeah…I still miss Matthew. (Did anyone else not care how incredibly stupid dream sequences/ghost scenes are and totally hope Dan Stevens was going to make a cameo in the last episode? No? Just me?)
Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah. Mary and Henry are preggers. Happily ever after for couple number two? Check.
Best Lady-Mary-isn’t-always-a-vicious-shrew moment of the whole series? The fact that she didn’t announce her pregnancy to the family so as not to steal Edith’s thunder.
2. The other way to scream “happily ever after ” is with a wedding.
We had two babies, so we had to have a wedding, right?
Seriously, despite the fact that I think Bertie came around conveniently quickly, I loved this resolution to Edith’s story line. She’s finally happy. She’s found love, a career, and her daughter is not going to be taken from her. Plus, Mary, who ruined everything for her, grew up a little and fixed it. That was so nice to see.
3. Pair up all the remaining characters.
We’re not going to watch it unfold on screen, but Tom was checking out Edith’s editor, so that’s going to happen. Daisy is changing her mind about Andrew after seeing him in a sweaty shirt. Her father-in-law is eyeing Mrs. Patmore (are we supposed to think that the four of them are going to end up living together on the farm???). Molesley and Baxter are going to keep dancing around each other awkwardly (anyone else glad that we never had to see a Molesley sex scene?). Robert and Cora aren’t going to divorce over her charity work. Isobel and Lord Merton have defied his awful son (yay!). I’m sure I missed someone, but I’m sure they got a romantic moment in the last episode, too!
4. It’s always best to temper all the happiness with just a smidge of the bittersweet.
Poor Carson, who had to be the casualty of all the happily ever afters. Fellows isn’t leaving him in the worst place, certainly, as he’s happily married and in no danger for his life, but he’s no longer going to be the head of Downton. Which, conveniently, means that Thomas will need to come back to be butler.
5. Always give your best character the last word.
I would have been so sad if Downton had ended with anyone other than Lady Violet getting to speak the last line.
So what did you think? Love the finale? Hate it? Glad the show’s over? Grieving? Feel free to share your favorite Downton Abbey moment/character/quote in the comments. It’s your last chance to do so. *Sobs again* (Here, on TN, anyway. You can tweet at me [@carriejodowd] anything Downton related any time you like. I’d be thrilled.)
*Unless I decide to transfer my life lessons posts to Poldark when it returns!