*****Spoiler Alert: I’m about to talk about MAJOR spoilers. Read at your own risk! But seriously, read it.**************
A rare moment of my puppy not being naughty.
Snuggle Town, USA
Can you feel the love in this episode? If not, you have no heart because holy snuggle fest y’all. We had Carol and her boo Tobin pairing up for a little loving. Richonne was spooning and making me wonder why I never considered eating apples in bed before. Then there was Glenn and Maggie in the shower. #SpringCleaning
Now, knowing how cruel TWD can be to it’s fan’s, I feel like we were witness to all that love because someone is about to be very lonely in future. I could be wrong, I hope I am wrong, but my “someone is about to die and you’re going to be real upset” antennae is on red alert and I am not happy about it. I get it, we need conflict to keep the plot moving, but seriously why can’t we have happy couples in this new terrible world?
Dammit Daryl
Remember that guilt I was talking about last week that Daryl was going to drown in? Oh yeah, someone throw that fool a life preserver because he’s in need of a major rescue. Daryl took off in search of Dwight. Are we shocked?
But, as not shocking as it was, Daryl peaced out in search of an ass whooping. Either his ass or Dwight’s, honestly not too sure what Daryl was thinking there. Lucky for him Michonne, Glenn, and Rosita went after him. Because when you’re ready to go on a murderous rampage, it’s important to have your pals behind you. #SquadGoals
Get Back in The House….CAROL!
Alright, so my girl Carol has gone on a walk about. I’m with Rick on this, you have to look for her because she’s family BUT at the same time, I feel like if you’re going to pull the whole “I’m running away, don’t come looking for me” teenage melodramatic ploys, you’re going to catch some heat for it. I’m just worried that maybe the heat she catches might end up being an inferno of; Saviors, Walkers, and Neegan. So now we have Rick and Morgan out on a search for her. Nothing can go wrong there right?
This Is When The Shit Show Starts
Like last episode we have two groups of people out in the wild untamed walker world, fumbling around and just causing me to have more anxiety than I already suffer from. I mean, last week we had the two separate groups out looking for supplies and Denise died and now we have two separate people out doing stupid stuff separately that’s probably going to get someone killed. It’s like they want me to have an anxiety attack. Or maybe I’m totally off base – it happens.
The day started out so well with everyone getting some snuggles. But then Carol and Daryl took off and split apart our group, leaving Alexandria open for attack. Maggie is strong though, and in charge and able to lead. Oh wait….she’s crumpled over and screaming in pain and Enid is looking like she might pee her pants. Great. Just great.
I’m looking for a man looking for a horse
Seriously, who was that guy? Savior? Hill Top Peep? Random dude in need of ride? I feel like he probably isn’t a Savior because he wasn’t overtly hateful when Rick and Morgan were yelling at him. Also, there was a peek of a guy on a horse for the season finale. But look, mysterious guy who rides horses – you should probably stay away from our group. Not because of the whole “Rick might kill you” thing, but simply because horses don’t have a good shelf life with our group. See below for proof.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
I rest my case.
Do We Have Our Pitch Forks Ready?
Are your ears still ringing from the legions of Walking Dead fans and more importantly Daryl Dixon fans, screaming “NOOOOO!”. Mine are. So yeah, the shot heard round the world. I refuse to believe anything without proof. I was steadfast that Glenn was alive, even when my friend Sam kept telling me all the reasons why he was dead. So, until I see a Daryl walker or something, I refuse to believe. I actually think Daryl may have taken a leg shot or Rosita was just added to the Alexandria wall of the dead. That’s my theory. If I’m wrong, I’ll be sure to grab a pitch fork and yell right along with the masses of disappointed Daryl fans.
Am I ready for the season finale? No. Am I needing to watch it RIGHT NOW? Yes. This episode was such an odd one. For me at times it was slow and I would get distracted by everything else around me. Then, other times I couldn’t breathe because I was so glued to the screen. I both loved this episode and hated it. It was part “filler show” and part action packed “thriller show”. I really hope the season finale isn’t as painful as the next few days wait is going to be. Because this, isn’t OK.
Source This scene right here. Shit is NOT OK!
How are you coping with the wait for the season finale? Do you think this is ‘good bye’ for Daryl?
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