Jamie, Patricia, Lorena & I decided to breakdown the trailer and discuss everything that was revealed in the 2 minutes and 37 seconds of Captain America goodness. First, in case you weren’t aware, we are all Marvel fans to varying degrees.
Our Marvel Obsessions, Credentials & Loyalties
Emily: All MCU/TV Universe. Love me some Loki and recently have grown to L.O.V.E. Chris Evans more than I thought I would 😀 Went to Avengers 2 Premiere last year here in Hollywood. Might go to Civil War – haven’t decided yet. #TeamCap

Team Cap
Jamie: Loki. That guy is nuts and I love him even though I know I shouldn’t. Bucky as the Winter Soldier. Because of the arm and the angst, obviously. Talking raccoons, and traveling to other worlds and technology that we all wish we could have. I don’t love comic books, so there is no reason I should love these movies as much as I do. AND YET HERE I AM. I have no idea whether I’m on #TeamCap or #TeamIronman yet.
Patricia: Came for the love of bad boy Loki. Stayed for the good guy Captain America. And proceeded to have my life ruined because of both. Prepared to arm wrestle Emily for either of them – best 2 out of 3.

Team Ironman
Lorena: After writing my MCU/Marvel Comic based Lokane fanfic plus specing Agents of SHIELD with a focus on the secret warriors, I’m pretty well imbued with all things Marvel. I’m most sad we won’t get Storm as part of T’Challa’s storyline, but oh well. This movie is going to be ridiculous given how many people are in it. As far which team I’m on, I still am not even sure wtf they are fighting about at this point. Who takes accountability for the clean up? I guess. I thought Tony already started a foundation for that (or was that in a fanfic I read?)? Anyway, I need to see the movie before I pick a side.
Second, If you’ve been under a rock and are not one of the 20 million views on facebook or 37 million views on youtube, here is the trailer for Civil War:
P: Anyone think he just needs a hug and a good cry?
E: I think that in saving people Cap is more about rescuing people. Saving them from the Bully’s and he’s going to save Bucky, till the end of the line.
J: What is this crazy glass case thing that Bucky is in at the beginning of the trailer? That’s a lot of smoke and dramatic lighting. I can’t tell if that was something he was in voluntarily or trapped in.
Tony vs. Steve vs. Eff You Gen. Ross

Punch you in your perfect teeth.
P: Tony really does get the best lines.
E: This arc seems interesting for Tony – from genius billionaire playboy weapons dealer to we need to keep everyone in check? I don’t the destruction was not caused by the Heroes, it was caused by the villains, even John Boyega agrees with me.
J: I understand the instinct to have some semblance of control over what these people do. Especially when they mention Sokovia. There was nothing they could do about New York, they were just trying to help. And Washington D.C. was Hydra. But what happened in Sokovia, and that area outside of Wakanda in Age of Ultron didn’t need to happen. It shouldn’t have happened.
L: General Ross needs to just not. He’s the one who needs to be put in check. I hate that man. (Big Bruce Banner fan over here) Like who does he think he is all listing off the locations where the Avengers (or some of them) literally SAVED the entire planet from utter and complete destruction and then pulling in Mr. Tony Stark to throw down the Registration Act BS? No way man. You want someone to be responsible for the Chitauri invasion? Maybe the SHIELD head people who issued a NUCLEAR BOMB STRIKE ON NEW YORK CITY! Oh, but all of them are dead except the one guy who cropped back up in AoS. Yeah. Beecause HYDRA killed them. Maybe you should flush out SHIELD instead of being a superhero nazi asshole and getting Tony on board with your bullshit. MAYBE RHODEY WOULD NOT BE DEAD THEN!
J: IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO RHODEY I WILL RIOT IN THE STREETS. I want to say that he’ll ultimately be fine, because would they really give something that big away in the trailer? They’ve been designed to be misleading in the past. But that might just be wishful thinking. Just…you guys…he HAS to be ok.
E: Is this what sets Tony against Cap. Did Bucky do it? It looked like Bucky?
L: This isn’t acceptable. Literally at all. Rhodey is one of the best characters. And the longest standing. This is like killing Tony Stark and saying, “Walk it off.” Fuck you.
J: Everything feels really out of sequence, like the AoU trailer was. It’s hard to really understand what triggers what. This show down shot we’re seeing, for example, may happen really early in the film. It may be what leads to Rhodey getting shot… because he’s totally in that shot.
Back to Bucky
E: Why is Bucky shooting Tony????
L: YES!, Why is he shooting Tony? Who is controlling Bucky? And why are we not after THOSE PEOPLE instead of Bucky?!!!
Black Panther
L: We missed one thing though. Because we have that scene where Ross is saying “People are afraid” and we see what I now am realizing is Chadwick Boseman under attack. Can we assume that’s his Vibranium HQ in Wakanada (sp)? That he was attacked by someone and that is why he is Team Tony?
J: Black Panther looks like he’s going to be KILLER. Look at him run! He’s just hopping over cars like it’s nothing. Since I’m not into comic books, I know nothing about his character, but I’m excited for him.
E: Is there only one parking in garage in Atlanta where people are allowed to film? I’ve seen the orange tile before, in the Hunger Games!
L: Atlanta has horrific traffic as it is, so I can’t say I blame them. But seriously, how much did Audi pay?!
This doesn’t have to end in a fight
P: But the make up sex will be so good!
E: Ha! This fight is one for the ages!
L: We don’t want the other guy showing up…
J: I’m curious as to what Natasha does here. It seems like she either switches sides at some point, or isn’t sure what side she’s on for a long time. She’s definitely torn when it comes to the people involved.
E: Is this the point when she picks sides? the phone call to Steve? This answer from the Russo’s makes me wonder what happens!
What is Wanda doing to Vision?
P: That was some serious foreplay Scarlet Witch had going on with Vision.
L: They are lovers not fighters!!!!!! #sadness
Antman on Clint’s arrow??
E: Straight out of the comics! Love it!
L: #getonmytip
E: UGH Jeremy Renner!
J: I forgot Ant Man was gonna be in this until I saw him. Whoops.
E: Wait, was that Crossbones/Rumlow (Frank Grillo) who clocks cap in a market?
L: WHAAAA???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could do this all day
P: We can only hope, Chris, er, Cap, wait….. Did I say that out loud?
J: “I could do this all day.” AHHH! That’s a nice callback to the first one, reminding everyone that this is a Captain America movie, and not Avengers 2.5
E: Standing up to the bullies, no matter who they are.
Fight at the airport
J: That shot of them all on both sides running into each other and just about to collide in the middle is CRAZY. Chills for me. I love epic shots like that.
E: filming it however had to look really funny because so much of it is special effects.
E: Best intro of a character EVER! LOVE it!
L: “Hey everyone.” So casual. He’s like 10 years old. What is even happening!
P: Also, Spiderman – he’s sounds like a child. All these grown ups about to kick the crap out of each other and this little kid shows up. Meh.
That time we got distracted
J: I love the thought of Thor coming back to Earth at some point after this being all, “Hey guys, what’s going on? Did I miss anything big?” haha He was gone for like 5 minutes and everything has gone to complete shit.
L: Thor be like “‘Sup dudes? Oh Sh*T”
and Cap be like “Language”
and Loki be like “Told you so! If they had just left me in charge, none of this would have happened.” but Loki be like that with a major eye roll. He’s all lookin’ at Amora like “You see what I mean? Talk some sense into these fools so they heed my command, won’t you?”
Amora is all, “Yes, of course, Loki.” (meanwhile… she’s plotting against the entire universe is using the silver tongue prince’s tongue against himself because she’s amazingly evil and brilliant.) Step aside Lorelei. your big sister’s back. Sorry i went all Thor3 there.
P: Sorry, I was distracted by what Loki’s silver tongue could do…
E: See? We really are just here for Tom Hiddleston…
Back on point… The missing people
J: Daniel Bruhl is supposed to be playing a character called Baron Zemo in this movie, and as far as I know, we’ve seen absolutely nothing from him yet. Not a still, or single frame of him in any of the footage we’ve gotten so far. I figure there are either two things happening with that: in a movie that’s so jam packed with characters Baron Zemo isn’t going to be that big of a deal, or he’s actually a huge deal and that’s why we haven’t seen anything so far. Does anyone who reads the comics know what kind of a role he might play in the story?
E: What about Martin Freeman, who is he supposed to be? We’ve got one image of him.
J: What about when Sharon roundhouse kicks Bucky in the face. Which is awesome!
P: Sharon is going to be kickass
L: She’s hardly in anything so far, so that’s exciting 😀 I love Emily von whatever. She was so good in Revenge.
E: I didn’t even see her! GAH! I love her too!
Final Thoughts:
Did we miss anything?
It’s just less than 50 days until Captain America Civil War comes out. Are you excited?
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Sources: Screenshots Emily, CW Stills