** Spoilers, OBVI!**
WTF are we going to do waiting ANOTHER YEAR for the return of Black Sails Season 4! After Saturday’s Black Sails Season 3 Finale we were left with ALL the questions and ALL the time in the world to wait and ponder. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO… EVERYTHING?!?!
When we left the swashbuckling pirates, they had just lured the British military and that jerkface Capt Hornigold into a trap which led them to make a hasty retreat back to Nassau. The closing shot of the episode showed us what was mostly likely a round table made up of the newly crowned axis of pirate-y evil who is undoubtedly plotting their return to take over Nassau and kick the British out for good.
What can we expect from next season? Only time and a few guesses will tell…

Is it too much to ask that Capt Flint find a boyfriend? Can he get on Pirate Grindr and and find a Billy Bones-esque gay pirate? PLEASE!! Ok, probably not on the docket for next season as there are still so many scores to settle for him and Thomas and Miranda.
Anne Bonny and Jack
Can we please for the love of God have a REAL Anne Bonny storyline in Season 4? Sure the Anne/Max/Jack triangle was sort of interesting and showed us more of Anne as a woman but it was just failed a bit too much on the Brechdal test for me. If the season finale is any indication, Anne deserves a longer and less swoony storyline because she pretty much led the charge in the pirates commanding the British ships. I won’t even mention that I yelled at the TV because Anne didn’t get a seat at the pirate round table in the last shot. WHATEVER. Eye roll emoji.
Jack Rackham, you keep doing you and maybe someday your faux facial hair will meet up with your faux sideburns.
The Ghost of Charles Vane
There hasn’t been any super natural elements in Black Sails thus far other than the abs on these men but I would be super down if the writers decided it was time to introduce the Ghost of Charles Vane, only this time instead of a 10 pack a day, gravel voice the ghost sounds like a small school girl. Laughs a minute, I tell you.
Eleanor Guthrie vs Blackbeard
If I didn’t know any better and Blackbeard didn’t have like, nine wives, I would think he was on Pirate Grindr too and had a thing for Charles Vane. The storyline tried to convince us that Blackbeard only thought of Vane as a son type figure but the way he took the news of Vane’s old flame being the reason he was hung might as well have been an ex-girlfriend throwing mad shade. Well Eleanor better prepare herself for the ultimate Blackbeard clapback because bitch is coming for you gurl and it’s NOT going to be pretty.

That you’re a back-stabbing B that everyone hates, that’s what!
Will she switch allegiances at the last minute and rejoin the pirates to take back Nassau or will Woods Rogers somehow save her? Regardless it might be time for Pirate Kiera Knightly to sail off into the sunset.
Max Needs a Vacay
If Max is smart (and she ALWAYS is) she will use Adelle to realign herself with the Pirates when the real showdown begins and she will watch that Mrs Mapleton like a hawk. Max must be a better person than all of us but I can’t imagine hiring the woman who got you gang raped to help watch over your business. I guess ‘keep your enemies close’ and all that but STILL.
King LONG John Silver
Meanwhile, back at the Nassau Air B n B, Billy Bones and the Pirates NOT being killed on the other side of island were hatching a plot to make the newly monikered LONG John Silver (god, that was the best line of the season) the KING of Nassau. While I’m 100% behind John Silver getting what’s his cause damn, doesn’t he have charisma for days? He should join the 2016 Presidential race he’s so good at wooing people #FeeltheSilver.
This honestly will end in Silver and Flint parting ways, either on good terms or on bad because as we know (and they discussed by camp fire) Silver will be the end of Flint. Now whether that really means the END of Flint or it means the end of Flint and the return of James McGraw, only time will tell. The other thing only time will tell: When John Silver and Madi the Maroon’s Princess
And because it’s so good, let’s remember the best part of Black Sails Season 3:
Until next year!
What will we do for the next ten months? Any ideas? Any Black Sails predictions? PLEASE share them in the comments, I’m always looking for Black Sails friends!
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All GIFs via Starz unless otherwise noted.