Baby Puppy Maginot gives zero figs about The Walking Dead but we did share a pretty hardcore snuggle sesh. during the show.
I wasn’t even going to watch TWD to be honest. I had planned on watching it Monday night so I could get to sleep early and not be a cranky asshole be productive at work. I told myself: “Self, you have a decision to make. Watch TWD tonight, or let it get spoiled tomorrow”, I opted to give it five minutes. If I wasn’t sucked in within the first five minutes, off to sleepy town I would go. So I turned off my recording of Dr. Phil (don’t hate, that man is a truth bombing genius), and watched the first five minutes of The Walking Dead.
Here’s another picture of my puppy just so you won’t see anything that may spoil TWD for you. Also, because she’s damn adorable – LOVE HER!
The Intro
Ok, so Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham are stopped by Negan’s motorcycle club and stripped of “all” their weapons. At first I was like this guy has a unhealthy obsession with shit eating and then I was like – they exploded – da hell? That’s when I was reminded that Daryl Dixon is a badass and I wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon. This damn show had me literally holding my hands over my mouth and holding my breath until I felt dizzy so many times on Sunday night. The only other show that has EVER done that to me is Game of Thrones and that’s typically after they kill the entire cast and just say “Fuck it – get us new people to be interested in and then slaughter”.
Glenn and Maggie Reunited – Again
Seriously, it’s the end of the world. Zombies are everywhere, people are carving ‘W’ ‘s into their foreheads, Eugene actually tried to join a battle. Shit is cray. But yet those two love birds, well they just keep on keeping on, dodging death time and time again. #TrueLove #Blessed
Jessie’s Entire Family Is Gone
They gone. You know what? Not even sad about it. That Sam kid was super annoying. The only time he was entertaining was when Carol was verbally torturing him. Also, he let ants into his bedroom. WHO DOES THAT?! Does he NOT know how hard getting rid of ants can be? Then there was Ron. Moody, sad, withdrawn Ron. If he was a Ginger, I would have given him a wand not a damn gun. Ron who was actually to blame for his mother and little brother being eaten by walkers. How’s that? Because, if he had kept his cool and not tried to take Carl out, and in the process given the walkers free access to the just come right in for a buffet, than they wouldn’t have had to wipe walker guts on themselves and make a toddler chain through town. Mad props to Carl for dropping the truth bomb on Ron, “Your dad was an asshole.” Yeah Ron, your dad, the guy his dad killed, was a total asshole who beat your mother, so suck it up butter cup.
But then Jessie started screaming because you know, her child is getting horribly killed in front of her, so then the walkers start in on her too and I was like, well shit. Sorry Rick. Third time’s a charm? Some people didn’t like the little happy Jessie moments montage they did during her death scene, but really I thought it was kind of beautiful. Hopefully Rick lopping off Jessie’s hand will give him some closure with this love interest and we won’t have to deal with Ghost Jessie. OR even better, maybe we get Ghost Jessie and Ghost Lori together for a ghost brawl. The Brawling Dead. Think about it AMC.
The Calvary Arrives
Glenn and Enid find Maggie and see that she’s in danger, cause well – duh. So, Glenn’s big idea is to send Enid up to Maggie to help her while he distracts the walkers, by getting himself eaten? I don’t know what Glenn’s long game was there but it wasn’t well played sir, not well played at all. Just when you’re thinking all hope is lost, that’s when someone starts laying down some serious coverage. Thanks Abraham, for saving Glenn, and being being hilarious about it at the same time. #CanYouGetTheGate
Rick Turns into Mel Gibson From The Patriot
Alright, so Ron shoots at Rick but ends up winging Carl in the face. It happens. For those of us who’ve read the comics, we knew about the eye. But apparently Rick didn’t get that memo because as soon as Carl was in the infirmary, Rick was out the door, hand axe ready to go, and mentally checked out. Totally reminded me of Mel Gibson in The Patriot when he got chop happy with his tomahawk.
What amazed me is that the people of Alexandria were all like: “Yeah this is a good moment to finally willingly follow Rick’s lead. He seems totally sane and cognizant of his actions at the moment.” So then everyone joined in on Rick’s choppy-choppy moment and for a minute they really thought they could do it. Fight back the horde. Win back Alexandria. But then they started getting pushed back into a corner and before they knew it, overwhelmed. But never fear, good ‘Ol DD came to the rescue AGAIN with another RPG and a pretty badass lake of fire.
In Conclusion
This was truly a great episode. I was giddy. GIDDY! Mostly because the annoying kids died. Deanna died, she bugged me for a lot of reasons. But really, everyone did a fantastic job and I cannot wait to see what’s going to happen next week!