But onto our life lessons from Downton Abbey:
1. People always have been and always will be interested in the behind-the-scenes lives of the rich and infamous.
“Even Elizabeth Bennet wanted to see Pemberly.”
Were there any other Austen fangirls out there thrilled that P&P was mentioned in Downton? I was glorying in geekdom!
And despite Lady Violet’s disdain, people lined up to see inside the house. Edith’s new boyfriend schooled the family in how to go about the tours and Moseley laughed at the whole thing when he could have answered questions about the expensive paintings in the foyer while Cora fumbled and didn’t know how to respond.
And the little boy who snuck into Robert’s bedroom? It was priceless. And golly, Moses did they raise a lot of money for the hospital!
2. Don’t expect someone who has just been dethroned to bow out quietly…especially if she’s Lady Violet.
“Tell Cora I do not wish to see her face until I am used to having a traitor in the family!”
Is this hospital thing finally over now? Please?
3. When you’ve been an awful person for years, don’t be surprised when people don’t trust you.
No one believes that whatever Thomas is doing with Andy behind closed doors is innocent, and he only has himself to blame. He may be having some cute interludes with Master George, but he’s spent too much of the show being a jerk for anyone to give him the benefit of the doubt now.
4. Some people will always be their own worst enemies.
Edith, have you never read a book? Seen a play? Lived for five minutes? Because you should seriously tell the guy you’re dating that the kid you’re introducing him to is your illegitimate daughter. You know, before he figures out that she looks like you. Or before your sister tells him, because you know she will.
5. No matter what century they live in, some women will always be in charge of their romantic relationships.
I love that Henry just flat out tells Mary she’s the boss. He knows it and will acknowledge it. And she is. But she’s still not sure about this relationship. It’s too much too fast, and bringing up too many terrifying memories for her.
As the series (gulp) wraps up, what do you still want to see? What are you praying doesn’t happen? What did you think of episode 6? Do tell!