Our Downton Abbey Life Lessons:
1. Given the right circumstances, even a British period piece where everyone is obsessed with manners can turn your stomach.
I’m going to spare you a GIF of Robert spewing blood all over everyone, because I have no need to relive that moment. Did the blood splatter remind anyone else–sickeningly–of Breaking Dawn? (#EGBTT)
While that moment was shocking (and gross), it fit perfectly into the whole hospital storyline. Did anyone else think it was hilarious that Violet had dirt on Neville Chamberlain? Or sad that she still wanted to argue over the hospital issue with Cora as her son was loaded into an ambulance for emergency surgery?
Robert, in the middle of his collapse, had the best line of the night, though. “If this is it know that I have loved you very, very, much.”
Although the runner up was Tom’s: “Long live our own Queen Mary.”
2. Being a newlywed isn’t all sex and smiling fondly into each other’s eyes.
I think I take back my comment from the other week that I might like to marry Carson. Because seriously? His meat is undercooked, he doesn’t like his side dish, and his knife isn’t sharp enough? All while he sits there as his wife (who worked all day!) waits on him?
Uh, no thanks!
I know these two will figure out the dynamics of marriage and this was probably very realistic (Carson is a fussy old lady for all his kindness), but it was hard not to reach right through the TV and smack Carson during this episode.
3. Sometimes, blackmail works.
Apparently, Denker doesn’t have a heart. She was just sitting on the information that Spratt hid his nephew until it benefitted her. And it worked.
As usual, though, I only found this story worthwhile because it set up Lady Violet for more of her brilliant one-liners.
4. It isn’t always the sought-after girls who end up in the best relationships.
Edith has a boyfriend! (She can deny it because she’s scared to jinx it all she likes, they’re dating and kissing. They’re together.) Bertie does seem a little on the quiet side compared to Henry, but I think he’s going to be perfect for Edith. And I’m rooting for her.
I can’t make up my mind, though, about Henry. I love that he gets Mary to do things she’d never dream of doing on her own (going to a car race? AND A PUB?). But he’s still, well, not Matthew. And Mary can’t—or won’t—admit to him that she’s scared of his job. Plus, he’s “below” her. Really, I’m not at all sure about whether to get on board this relationship or not, even if I think it’s going to be The One for Mary.
But I did love that Tom, not only encouraged her to get herself out there, but cut through all their crap as they danced around the idea of a second date: “Why can’t you just say: I’d like to spend more time with you?”
5. Secrets always come out.
Mary finally found out about Marigold. Who else thinks this is going to end disastrously?
(Please don’t let Mary drive off Bertie! Please, Mr. Fellows!)
So what did you think? Do you like Editie? Marenry? (These names don’t amalgamate well for shipping purposes!) Are you a little less enamored with Carson? Let’s discuss!