At least it didn’t involve Anna or Bates getting run over or jailed, right?
Now onto our life lessons:
1. Girls have always known how to work sunglasses and break hearts.
What are the odds that this is the most used Downton gif for the rest of time?
Also, was anyone else completely unsurprised by Mary’s freak out after the accident? Honestly, I think if these characters were real people, Mary would have never given a race car driver the time of day. Fictionally (since she did), this storyline made perfect sense. They had to throw some obstacle in Henry and Mary’s way so there could be some big romantic scene in the final episode(s).
2. No matter how old you are, learn to ferret out secrets and make dramatic exits.
Lady Violet didn’t get her way, so she’s storming off to France. But before she goes, she figured out Miss Cruishank’s agenda. It seems the scheming little hussy wants a free nurse until she can move into the Grey mansion free and clear.
But there may finally be wedding bells in Isobel’s future, and I couldn’t be happier about that!
3. Sometimes, making your husband take on “your” jobs gives him a new appreciation for you.
Did anyone else crack up or cheer at the TV when Carson ran himself ragged cooking a (horrible) dinner and then considered collapsing with exhaustion when he realized he still needed to do the dishes?
I think Mrs. Hughes might be a little more appreciated in the future, don’t you agree?
4. For the love of everything, if a man proposes to you, it’s time to tell him any secrets you’ve been keeping!
I don’t like where this story is heading. Edith has actually seemed like a main character instead of a side character this season, and this is such a stupid detour from that. Oh my gosh, idiot, just TELL HIM!
5. Puppies make everything better.
Oh, the puppy! Wasn’t she adorable? And I’m sure none of you were as uneducated as Edith and immediately knew that Tiaa was the wife of Amonhotep II and the mother of Thutmose IV, right? Because ancient Egyptian Pharoahs’ moms are typically people you discuss over breakfast. *rolls eyes at Robert*
As someone who has had three retriever puppies in the last eight years, guess what question was on my mind during this scene? (For those of you who aren’t puppy people, I wanted to know what they coated that basket with so that the Tiaa would gnaw on it instead gnawing on [or peeing on] the set!)
So other than that adorable puppy, what are you hoping to see in the last (sob) two (sniff) episodes?