I decided to check in with my New Year’s resolutions from time to time this year! Read my resolutions here.
I have terrible skin. Like terrible. I have been off and on medicine since I was a teen (Thought I never went on Accutane. Somehow my mom thought the major birth defects it can cause babies was probably a reason not to put that in your system. While I wish I had clear skin, I agree it was the best decision)I had some clear years. Proactive, while staining everything I owned and a few things my friends owned (sorry guys), worked well for a year or two. *SOME* types of birth control got me clearer than others, but for the most part I’ve dealt with constant acne. Sometimes it’s obvious, other times it’s painful cysts under the skin, usually around my jawline that you can’t see but would cause tears in my eyes from the pain if I accidentally touched them or, ya know, picked up the phone.
Because I have such sensitive skin I have constantly changed products over the years, always thinking the next thing would be THE ONE to help me out (all of this product changing probably made it worse) I loved the Tea Tree line from The Body Shop for awhile, I’ve used plain soap like by Cetaphil. I’ve used stuff from the dermatologist. I’ve tried Clinique, drug store brands like Neutrogena and products that cost 50$ from Sephora that were so ineffective I can’t remember their names. I was a member of the forum at acne.org (where people just sit around and talk about their acne. Cool) and tried their homemade products like jojoba oil and olive oil. But alas, acne is just a constant in my life.
Well, maybe not..
Right now, I have the clearest skin I have had in my adult life. It’s not completely clear. There is redness, my pores aren’t small and love to clog with dirt, but I have recently tried some things that seem to be working. And they fall into my New Year’s Resolution of Eliminating chemicals, almost 100%!
Here is my miracle product:
Thayers Witch Hazel
I bought this product at Whole Foods over a year ago to make an eye make-up remove (Recipe to come!) and just recently started using it as a toner day and night. I love it. I forgot to take it when I went away for a few days around Christmas and I broke out. I swear it was the lack of Witch Hazel and not all the food I ate at Christmas. My favorite type is Rose Petal Witch Hazel
Josie Moran Aragan Oil
I switched to an oil moisturizer this past fall and put Aragan oil from Josie Maran straight on my face. I like the “light” version as it’s not as heavy feeling (it IS an oil, after all) It’s not cheap, and I’ve seen cheaper options. But I’m not sure if they are different, and I love what this is doing to my skin (moisturizing and adding a glow), so I haven’t tried any other brands!
Detox Facewash
I’ve been using Kate Somerville’s Detox Cleanser which is NOT Chemical free, but I’m almost there. I haven’t done much research as to what chemicals are in the product, but I really love the medicinal smell and how it leaves my face feeling really fresh and clean.
Beeswax Healing Cream
This is the weirdest product that I swear by. Medicine Mama’s Sweet Bee Magic All-in-one healing cream has beeswax, honey, olive oil, jelly and bee pollen (and 0 chemicals!) and I slather this stuff on my skin at night in my T-zone. I’ve even used it on cuts on my hands (Thanks cats), irritated bumps in my shave zones and supposedly it’s awesome on sunburn. I love the way it makes my skin feel despite it’s heavy, almost petroleum-jelly feeling. Yes, I go to bed greasy. No, I don’t care. I have had this product for almost a year and I’m barely through 1/4 of the jar. This might last me my whole life (or at least another year)
Spot Treatment – Tea Tree Oil
Nikki and I have been on an essential oils kick, and Tea Tree has always been one of my favorites to apply directly to the skin. BE CAREFUL. It can burn, especially around the eyes. It’s probably not recommended. Consult a doctor, yadayadayada. I like Kis Oils Tea Tree Oil because you can get it on Amazon. Depending on Tea Tree Oil. I also picked up this Desert Essence Blemish Stick this from Whole Foods as an option when my acne doesn’t need straight oil.
Bonus: Roseglow Creme from Living Libations
Oh man, you guys. I forgot about this but found it this past weekend at Moon Juice. I rarely have this product on hand because it’s pricey, I only buy it in the small container and I have to pay shipping from the US-based company I order it from. It’s from Living Libations which is hte weirdest hippiest comapny ever from Canada, but it’s oh-so-delightful and like a indulgence for your skin. I usually use it around my eyes
My Daily Regimen
In case you want to try the formula that has worked for me, I’ve laid it out below. But I know for myself, no “plan” I have ever copied as worked for me. So try some or all of these products and let me know what you think. If you just want to try one, try the Witch Hazel because I can’t believe I lived to be in my 30s without devouring this product
- Wash Face with Kate Somerville’s Detox Cleaner morning and night (with the coldest water I can stand)
- Apply Thayer’s Rose Pedal Witch Hazel with cotton ball morning and night
- Spot treat acne with the Tea Tree Blemish stick during the day and Tea Tree Oil at night, directly on the blemish.
- Mornings: Use 1-2 drops of Josie Maran Light Aragon Oil. (Let sit 5-10 min. before applying make-up)
- Remove make up with homemade makeup remover *I Promise to share recipe soon!*
- Evenings: Slather face with Medicine Mama’s Sweet Bee Magic All-in-one healing cream
Go forth and may the force behind clear-skin be with you!