Step One: Deny, Deny, Deny
OK, step ONE in the Lazy Girl’s Guide is to recognize that it’s probably not going to snow. You heard me. There probably won’t be ANY snow. It is now and has ALWAYS been my theory (some may say it’s a “conspiracy theory”) that when grocery stores become too overstocked with bread, milk, and toilet paper, they give a little ring-a-ding to the weathermen.
“Hey Bob, gotta lot of product dying on shelves. Gotta make room for some new fancy rippled TP. We need a number 3 Bob.”
“Gear up folks it’s going to be a big one this weekend!” And there you have it.
Step Two: Do Nothing
So, for step TWO, we do NOTHING. We don’t even watch the weather reports. We ignore EVERYTHING weather related. If someone asks you what you think of the weather, you smile and tell them it’s a balmy 98.6° inside your mind. We ignore the weather until we can no longer ignore the weather anymore. There comes a moment when we must face the reality that dealing with a winter storm or a winter bust is going to have to happen. That’s when step THREE comes in.
Step Three: Get Stocked Up
STEP THREE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP EVER. We go to the liquor store. Now, I know what you’re going to say, why in the world would you go to the liquor store and stock up if you don’t believe it’s actually going to snow? I mean, come on people, do I really need a reason to go to the liquor store? People gotta drink. It’s always best to be well stocked. That’s just good common sense and being polite to any uninvited house guests that may randomly show up. Seriously, that’s like a life lesson.
Step Four: Take Inventory
Like a blustery North East wind, in sweeps step number FOUR. We *consider* going to the grocery store. We look through the house and take a quick inventory of what we have and decide if we can live on it for a day or two. Left over Pad Thai, check. Easy mac, check. A few apples and OH SNAP – some left over caramel dipping sauce?! BOOM, later miserable people at the grocery store, enjoy fighting over the last loaf of day old squished rye bread that you know your kids won’t eat anyway.
Step Five: Be Prepared
Now, my fifth and final step is pretty much my ONLY real preparation that I do for any sort of snow storms. I always make sure that my portable chargers are fully charged. If there is one thing that San Diego Comic Con has taught me, it’s how to keep both my iPad and my iPhone charged for multiple days with little to no electricity available. Portable. Chargers. God’s little gifts to every techie out there.
There you have it friends. My Lazy Girl’s Guide to Preparing For a Snowpocalypse. Basically, what I’m saying here is that if it does snow just stay home and drink. Maybe read a book too. Or knit something. That’s fun. But stay off the roads, and be nice to check-out people at the grocery store. They’re not getting any of that kickback money.