So, maybe I can’t breakdown the five funniest moments of last night’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and maybe I fell asleep before the end of the President’s speech so I can’t breakdown the five funniest news reporter reactions. BUT what I can do, is gift everyone with my ALL TIME five funniest moments of Brooklyn Nine-Nine (so far)!
Oh Canada…
That time Gina and Boyle were…you know…benefiting from their friendship.
Sex. They were having sex. Gross, disgusting, Boyle sex. Gina had to change her spirit animal from a wolf to a….less fierce creature
Gina Linetti for President.
With all the Presidential debates and politics hogging up the news feeds, let us remember we do have another choice for our next Commander in Chief. Gina Linetti.
Jake getting fitness and healthy eating tips from the Sargent.
That time Jake and Boyle pepper sprayed each other in front of a street meat stand.
In an effort to prevent Boyle from going “Full Boyle” Jake gets desperate enough to pull out the pepper spray.
Is it next week yet?!
To all my Nine-Niner’s out there (that’s not a real thing by the way, but I’m going to try and make it a real thing, so stick with me on that one) I hope this post helps get you through the week without our beloved show. Brooklyn Nine-Nine will be back next Tuesday with another hilarious episode of mischief. Am I willing to guarantee that? Hmmm….