In the movie, Alicia Vikander wears an amazing pair of round sunglasses, and they completely work for the scene she’s in, but you could never wear them in real life. Maybe you could pull something like these off.
But most of the sunglasses I’ve found have been more menswear type styles, which the ladies can totally pull off. You can get a pair here
Resin Jewelry
I really like the bracelets from this Etsy shop. They’re resin, but much less chunky and big than that type of jewelry can usually be. I think the gold flecks in them break up keep them from having the solid, plasticky look that resin can have. They come in a ton of different colors, which I always think is a plus when it comes to picking out a gift.
I love that this has a lid, because I usually have to reheat my tea in the microwave a few times before I’m done with it. Plus, cats!
Or you could get these square mugs, which actually are a vintage item from the 60s. I have a few just like these that belonged to my Grandmother, so it feels like anything I drink out of them is important just because they remind me of her.
Phone Case
There were so many of these, since phone cases are one of the more ubiquitous accessories around. I picked out a few of my favorite ones to show and linked where you can get them.
Get this one here.
Get this one here.
And get this one here.
If you can swing it, you may also want to wrap up Henry Cavill and put him under the tree, since he is suave as hell in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. I can not think of a single person I know who wouldn’t love him.Source
It makes me so happy that all I had to do was Google search “Henry Cavill Christmas” and this image popped right up. People are amazing. Enjoy your Mod Gift-giving!