If you’ve kept track of what I’ve written about as of late (I know you have my author page set as your homepage), I’ve been binge-watching a lot of TV. From The Man in the High Castle, to The Last Kingdom to Fargo to Jessica Jones (Plus I’ve been watching The Kardashians *hangs head in shame* and The Royals. Remember when just 6 weeks ago I wrote about there not being nothing good on TV?), in the most recent months I’ve made the switch from catching up on every YA book series that’s ever been written and devouring everything ever written by Loretta Chase, Lisa Kleypas, Eloisa James and Sarah MacLean, to TV watching nightly and barely even reading any books. (Okay, I’ll confess, I’m still downing at least one regency romance a week, but that’s nothing compared to 6 months ago!)
But I feel like I can’t write another post about how regency romance is perfect in every way or tell you about that hot guy on that new TV show. Not this week anyway. So today I’m throwing a curveball and not talking about TV or books. While reflecting on my weekend and how the hell it was 70 degrees on December 13th in Philadelphia, I thought about all the things that make my life great. There’s a long list- too long to share here- some deep things and many superficial, and this is where my head is at today. There aren’t any raindrops on roses (though the list definitely includes whiskers on kittens) but here are a Few of my Favorite things:
The Lively Show
I have been a fan of Jess C (as in cute) Lively for years now. I followed her blog many years ago and checked in when she started a consulting business, but I really became a fan when she started her podcast over a year ago. The Lively Show is an INCREDIBLE Podcast. Jess sits down with artists and entrepreneurs and women and mothers and bloggers and doctors- the guests are so varied but the goal is always a conversation about bettering oneself in some way- about adding intention to your life. And I always come away with a million ideas about my business or my personal life and end up buying a book of whoever she is interviewing which sits on my ever-growing shelf begging to be read.
Start with this episode about money, EVERY WOMAN needs to listen to this episode our hormones and our flow and this one is just fun.
{Sidenote: Jess does group coaching called Life with Intention Online, and I attended the latest session this Fall and ended up meeting the most amazing new friend who lives a block from me! Thanks Jess!}
Check out the Lively Show
Because I’m a weirdo and like to manage and analyze my productivity/lack thereof, I use toggl.com to track my time on activities. I use it for work projects and for client-work, but I also use it for life stuff. You know how sometimes at the end of a day you’re like WHERE DID THE DAY GO? Now you know. You spent 4 hours creating and recreating the perfect Christmas card and the rest of the time in an Instagram hole.
They have an app and a google chrome button and I love it. Toggl.com
Madewell everyday
True story, if Madewell didn’t exist I would be naked. I basically like old ratty clothes I’ve had for forever from random stores and everything Madewell makes. Somedays I walk into a Madewell store and realize I am head to toe (and underneath my clothes) dressed in their clothes, And I feel ashamed/wonder if there’s some sort of discount for being that brand-loyal. (there isn’t)
For someone who wears as much Madewell as I do, I can’t find any pictures except for this time my not-twin sister and I tried on the same exact outfit in a Madewell store.
Every time I get up to get a drink or use the bathroom and then return to my seat, there is a cat there. That’s what happens when you have 3 cats and not enough chairs. Tell me you’ve seen something cuter than my cat trying to type a blog post for you all: You haven’t. There’s nothing cuter. Follow up:
Happy #Caturday! A photo posted by Bekah Buttons (@bekahbuttons) on
Reanimator coffee
I have a French Press, a traditional drip maker and a pour over brewer and still every day I go to the coffee shop on my block because I just can’t make coffee as good as they can, even when I use their beans. Reanimator has ruined me for all other coffees. Just yesterday morning, my husband and I made plans to go get breakfast sandwiches at a local coffee shop/record store (yes, I live in a hipster neighborhood) and while he was putting on his shoes I yelled out to him “Running to the coffee shop quickly!” to which he responded “You need to go get coffee before our trip to the coffee shop?”
Yes. The answer is yes. Why would I drink any other coffee when the best coffee is mere steps from my house?
Wine and cheese
How ELSE are you supposed to survive your 30s, am I right?
This weekend we hosted a wine and cheese party and had way too much of both, but it was a hit. Look how delicious my table looks!
Sparkling Water
And after the Wine and Cheese party is over and you made the not-so-smart-decision to end your 2 am night by downing an 8 ounce glass of wine, Sparkling water is your friend. I stopped drinking soda years ago and I was never a Pelligrino or bubbly water fan, but now I crave it. There’s something about bubbly water that feels fancy, like you are drinking champagne but doesn’t give you a fuzzy head. Plus it generally satisfies that 2 pm cravings for wine when you’re wondering how you’re going to get through yet another conference call.
We use the SodaStream, and I have never once added soda flavor to the water, but I have forgotten to take the gas chamber (probably not the right name) to the store for recycling and a discount on the refill 100% of the time.
Well, look at that, I CAN write a post without giving you a new Man Candy Monday hottie or book to add to your too-long-TBR list!
What are some of YOUR Favorite things?
Tell me, tell me!