Stream a blast from the Past
You can finally stream The OC on CW Seed. I never quite got into this show while it was originally on (although I did get into the reality show inspired by the aforementioned show.) I guess now that I have rediscovered my love for things YA, I am totally down with watching some rich kids discover their feelings. All seasons are available and you can relive all the emo-rock, flare jean goodness. Plus, you can totally relive the time that Summer understood the correlation between dressing up as Wonder Woman and winning a guy’s heart (or other organ)
Learn some rap lyrics
And by rap lyrics, I mean the words to Hamilton. Have you not downloaded or streamed the cast recording yet? While you are listening, open up the Genius lyrics page and get all the rap and history reference even with some annotations from the creator himself.
If you are feeling particularly up to a challenge, attempt to rap along to Guns and Ships. Tongue-tied doesn’t even begin to cover it when I attempt it myself, but damn that is a good song.
Go on a youtube dive
This is one of my personal favorite past times, especially since you can browse and cue your videos to play through Chromecast. I’ve been know to go on a blast from the past bubblegum pop video mix tape with friends. I’ve also been known to go on a Kristen Bell binge all by myself starting with interviews from 2004. The more obscure the better. Fun diving topics can include:
- Moviefone unscripted interviews
- Graham Norton clips
- Radio 1 covers
- Honest Trailers
- Fan ship videos for various OTPs
When in doubt, look at the related or suggested videos. By the time you look up, it should be hours later.
What are your favorite hermit activities? What are your favorite youtube dive topics?