So I did it again. And in 2014 I achieved 60%. And so today is the exciting day where I read my 2015 resolutions for the first time since I pressed “publish” back on 12/31/2014 and see how I did. Without Further ado:
2015 Resolutions: Let’s see where I stand:
I want to write about Philly: Did it: TN Travels: One day in Philadelphia 1
I want to start a Philly Supper Club: Well, we sorta did this. I got together with my pals Natasha and her husband (You know her because of this travelogue from Scotland) and Bethany who I met through this post I wrote about needing a Tinder for friends. Last winter we went to one restaurant and attempted to get to another one a few weeks ago but only 4 of us made it. I’m giving us a .5 on this one.
I will visit my sister in Costa Rica. Dammit. We never went. Good news is she met a guy and I don’t think she’s ever moving home so I have years to accomplish this. 0
I will run a race: Did it and Ran the Broad Street Run. Haven’t been able to run more than 3 miles since. 1
I want to network better: Omg you guys- I KILLED networking this year! I joined Geek Girl Brunch in Philadelphia and met a few amazing new friends and I started a course Life with Intention Online and met a girl who lives down the block from me who also introduced me to HER friend who owns an agency sorta-kinda-like mine and networking is happening all around and most importantly FRIENDS 1. 70% for 2015
2016 New Year’s Resolutions I may or may not keep:
I want to go to Costa Rica: This is back on the list, and I promised my sister I would visit her.
I want to throw a TN Philly Meet-up: We had the best time throwing our TN party at SDCC and plan to do that again, but I want to do something HERE in the city I live in! I know a lot of you are local or within driving distance and would make the trip if we plan something cool enough, so stay tuned and cross your fingers I accomplish this this year!
The gang’s (almost) all here!! TN writers at our #SDCC party! #tnsdcc A photo posted by That’s Normal (@thats_normal) on
The afterparty after our TN SDCC party!
I will complete the Whole 30: I’m kicking off 2016 with a bang and starting the Whole 30 food-lifestyle non-diet at the end of January. Basically you give up all things fun for 30 days (dairy, gluten, carbs, grains, alcohol (KILL ME)) to clean your gut. And then slowly reintroduce things to your diet. You should feel energized, clean, focused and basically the only reason I’m putting myself through this: CLEAN, CLEAR SKIN. We’ll see how I do.
I want to run a 1/2 marathon: And considering I max out at about 1.5 miles these days, I have some work to do. But I REALLY want to accomplish this goal this year.
For every regency book I read, I want to read a non-fiction book: I told you guys about my favorite podcast The Lively Show and I wasn’t kidding when I told you I buy SO many of the books that she recommends. At the moment I’m in the first few chapters of Rich Bitch, Lean In and The Fringe Hours and I need to dedicate some time to finish them all. So for every regency (or really any novel) I read, I will read PART of a non-fiction. I don’t have to finish one because they are thinkers and I like to take my time, but I want to get a good chunk done.
I want to establish better sleep patterns: Which means going to bed early and trying different ways to wake up refreshed. God, I’m old. But really. I need 8 hours. I know that I should drink water as soon as I wake up. I should stretch. Maybe meditate. I don’t know yet. I need to finish this regency so I can read the book I bought about it.
I want to eliminate chemicals from the products I use: And by that I mean I want to phase out the products I use that have chemicals. I have a lot of natural, chemical free stuff., but then I spray chemicals on my counters and it’s in my makeup and in my dishwasher and I want to slowly get them out of my life as much as I can. See above complaint of “God, I’m old.”
I’m EXCITED about my 2016 resolutions and am looking forward to starting the year RIGHT with clean and perfect and beautiful skin (yeah, yeah, plus all the other benefits that come with no longer eating shit or drinking alcohol 🙁 )