It definitely feels like forever ago when I first wrote about the upcoming limited series, Flesh and Bone and yet here we are, with the full mini-series available in just mere days (4 to be exact — November 8th.) For those who want to get a jump start on the inevitable binge watch, the first episode is available online as well as on demand for Starz subscribers. I had the pleasure of being invited to the New York Premiere which included a performance by American Ballet Theatre principal dances, Gillian Murphy and James Whiteside. No one ever complained about an evening that started out with a couple glasses of champagne and a breathtaking series of fouetté turns.
An example of the delightful Gillian Murphy in Swan Lake, not the number that was performed for us, but you get the general idea.
The star of the Flesh and Bone series, Sarah Hay, is even lovelier in person (and of course tinier than you can ever imagine.) My green-eyed hair envy monster was out in force. She looked radiant.
After the amuse-bouche pas de deux, we saw the first episode of this darker version of center stage where so far the ingénue has zero feet or turnout problems. In fact, she is just talented and you cannot take your eyes away from her. There were many visually stunning elements that have to be addressed.
Flesh and Bone Opening Credits
If these haven’t already been turned into prints or posters, Staz should do this imediately.
Any Sarah Hay Dance Sequence
Although the pilot episode feels like the drama is a bit forced with Claire’s (Sarah Hay) background (yes, not to be confused with the time traveling sort), I will watch the entire series likely within a week. I am completely enthralled.
Have you watched the first episode yet? Are you hooked? What are you looking forward to the most?