I started a new job last week (YAY!) but that meant that I could not take Thursday and Friday off to attend NYCC (Booo!) and the Star Wars Rebel panel, but like the good fangirl that I am, I have scoured the internet and fell into the deep abyss of youtube, skimmed through Reddit, contemplated fan theories in the shower, and wrote angry tweets to the Star Wars twitter about the lack of Ahsoka merchandise. I mean, I’m practically begging them to take my money.
If you recall, I have been taking my Star Wars obsession to the next level with Star Wars: The Clone Wars and have moved on to catch up with the latest animated series: Rebels. Although Rebels hasn’t quite hooked me yet, like Ahsoka, Anakin, Obiwon and Captain Rex, the addition of Sarah Michelle Gellar to this season does give me all the good slayer vibes. Her husband is also a main character on the show, a Jedi in fact (or whatever you call someone who never completed their Jedi training because of Order 66 and has only recently started to accept using the force.)
Please enjoy this really poorly filmed moment of SMG at the Rebels panel getting choked up when a fan asks a question/gushes.
And for those whom I totally will not be spoiling, the best part about this upcoming season is…
AHSOKA LIVES!!! Okay, well, we sort of figured that out at the end of last season, but she will be back for a few episodes. Yes, she now has white lightsabers as seen in this latest trailer for season 2. She is one badass mofo.
I know that I have built her character up and placed her on some unattainable pedistool, but I like to think that she was an especially gifted Padawan and perhaps more skilled with lightsabers than your average Jedi. I mean, she did face General Grevious and held her own. Other Jedi cannot say the same. I tell myself this because it is possible she may come up against Darth Vader this season and my heart will be forever destroyed if he kills her.
In my obsession, I have come across many the fan theory about who is who in Episode 7, which characters from any of the non-film, but canon materials will have an influence on the next movie. The Nerdist summaries some of the bigger theories (believe me, you don’t want to to see the other fan theory videos. Stick with Jessica. Possible movie spoilers ahead.
This led to me thinking about Anakin Skywalker and whether he really brought balance to the force. It seems that 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, the Galatic Empire is still going pretty strong and there are possibly other Siths? And if there are still Siths and things are not really that much better 30 years later, what balance did the chosen one actually bring? Is this what balance looks like? I guess that I assumed balance meant that the dark side would no longer have an advantage. That people’s suffering at the hands of Evil would end. Which got me thinking…
What does it mean EXACTLY to bring Balance to the force? After some googling, it is commonly stated that George Lucas said for the Jedi, balance meant the end of the Sith and to the dark side of the force.
According to the trailer for the next movie, balance has not been achieved as we are supposed to understand it. OR did Anakin/Darth Vader bring balance to the force only for a brief time after he kills Darth Sidious (the emperor?) If so, the Jedi’s hope and crusade to bring balance to the Force and believe in the mythical “Chosen One” was only achieved by BILLIONS of people killed.
You can buy this poster here.
Was there truly some greater good achieved? Was the Jedi’s fanaticism and extremism what actually brought about the dark side of the force? And this is when you realize that perhaps the Emperor was not that far off when he spoke of the Jedi.
Do you think the Jedi were actually evil? What does bringing balance to the force mean for you? Will you follow me down this rabbit hole?