Toronto International Film Festival
TIFF goes down Sept 10-20, with two of Tom’s movies getting their world premiere this weekend at the festival! This Friday his Hank Williams biopic, I Saw The Light, hits at 6pm ET and then on Sunday at 9:30 ET is the premiere of High Rise. Q&A is set to follow High Rise’s Monday afternoon showing, so keep your video clip happy selves alert to the TIFF website or the film’s twitter for updates because Lorena will be away on vacation to see Tom’s friend Benedict Cumberbatch perform in Hamlet and unable to keep you lovely people abreast to Tom Hiddleston’s magical interviews.
Yes, that’s right, during TIFF, when Tom will NOT be in London, Lorena will conveniently be in London where Tom normally resides. Because the world does not want her and Tom to meet. Not just yet… One cannot control destiny’s timeline, right? Jamie has zero percent pity for her, which is 100% fair.
I Saw The Light
UPDATE: Tom tweeted this 30 minutes ago. It’s worth it. I cannot.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce the first clip from I SAW THE LIGHT. @TIFF_NET tomorrow! #MoveItOnOver
— Tom Hiddleston (@twhiddleston) September 10, 2015
New photos of Tom as Hank Williams came out, and some older photos have been out, and you definitely want to see them all. Because Tom + Cowboy Hat + Guitar = Glorious.
Never realized Tom in a wedding ring would be such a turn on… We can assume by how passionately he’s speaking here and by how intently everyone is listening that Tom is waxing poetic about Shakespeare in this scene.
You’ve likely seen this one by now… but his efforts of colored contacts are super visible here. So we’re including it.
Some selfies on set:
Throw Back to 2014 behind-the-scenes when it all began:
The fact that Tom wore his shirt unbuttoned to this degree is proof that the universe loves us all. Though the shoes without socks… still wrestling with how to feel about that.
High Rise
As if one epic movie wasn’t enough, Tom will be premiering the dystopian novel-based film High Rise alongside the beautiful Luke Evans. A new photo came out last week and it’s giving us some feelings…
This fan edit is also giving us feelings… Neither member of the T Hiddy Committee has read High Rise yet, so it’s anyone’s guess as to what the blue stuff on Tom’s face is all about. Was he painting his new apartment in the high rise? That doesn’t seem like a moment that would warrant such a romantic forehead touch, but it’s Tom. He could make almost anything romantic.
And, if you missed them, here’s some of the other stills and promos from High Rise:
We can guess that this film is mostly about staring dramatically at your infinite reflections in multiple mirrors inside your high rise’s lift.
And of course some furrowed brow selfie action from the set. Yes, that’s Luke Evans.
Some people might wonder if two Tom films at TIFF is overkill, but those people are terrible at wondering. There’s been so little Tom Hiddleston news lately that this is the perfect way to make up for it. Plus, with Crimson Peak coming out not long from now, it seems “Tom Drought 2015” may finally be over. What a time to be alive, bring on the weekend!