Over the years, I’ve come to count on the girls at That’s Normal for fangirl obsessing over my favorite shows and hotties. But I’m here to call you out!! You let me down, That’s Normal. That’s right, you’ve totally dropped the ball. Here’s why:
WHY WEREN’T YOU TALKING ABOUT POLDARK??? SURE, Carrie Jo finally got on it the other week. But there is so much more to say ! And you missed the image. THE IMAGE that every Poldark fan dreams about every night. So I’m here to tell you some MORE reasons why That’s Normal needs to chat about Poldark.
Aidan is JUDGING YOU for not watching.
First, it’s based on books. A series of books, in fact. The Poldark novels (which are apparently all subtitled “A Novel of Cornwall”). Yeah, I know, the titles aren’t exactly SEXY. I haven’t read them, because I cheated and read the synopsis on Wikipedia. (You can all feel free to judge me. I can’t read everything.) Suffice it to say if it goes from book to screen, I feel like it’s your wheelhouse and you should be chatting about it. I’m glad Carrie-Jo will be reading them, because I’m seriously lazy and I’m not gonna (see above where I said I already read the synopsis on Wikipedia). KNOCK YOURSELF OUT, Carrie-Jo. There are twelve and I just don’t have that kind of time.
Look! It’s like your grandpa writes books about stuff you might actually want to read about…
Second, it’s set in the 18th century, man! Like Outlander. Because sex is always hotter when you have to take off a corset to do it. There’s uniforms, and frock coats, some beautiful gowns… Aren’t you guys down for some 18th century fun??
I see you in that uniform, Ross.
There’s a love square, too. It’s more than your regular angst. Because Ross went to America leaving his fiance behind, assuming, you know… she’d wait for him. But she sucks, so obviously she doesn’t.
The minute you see this you know… it’s going down.
I have opinions. Carrie-Jo did, too. WHY ARE YOU MARRYING ROSS’ LESS HOT COUSIN, Elizabeth??? You suck. This is not the first time Elizabeth sucks in the series. Elizabeth CONTINUES TO SUCK. Because now that she’s got all of Ross’ cousin’s cash love, she purposely bats her eyelashes at Ross now that he’s moving on.
Now I know you’re saying, “But WAIT, Andee!! You said love SQUARE! Who else is involved?? Surely Ross isn’t ALONE!” Don’t worry, people. There’s one more person to add to this mess- Demelza. I, like Carrie-Jo, LOVE DEMELZA (and not just because she’s a ginger you guys, though frankly we’re all in a secret club and everyone knows we have a posse of fellow supporters). I like Demelza because she’s TOTALLY SASSY. And we meet her looking mangy as hell.
(You aren’t fooling anyone, Demelza.)
Of course she really looks like this:
Because obviously.
But stuff GOES DOWN in this show, guys. There’s a villain:
Lookin’ good, George.
And there’s a big HOLE in your coverage because you’re missing my actual favorite character. There’s an intriguing character named Verity, Ross’ cousin.
She’s a sassy spinster when we meet her (at 25- kill me), and she’s actually got one of the best storylines all season. Who doesn’t love a SECRET love affair?? I feel Verity. She’s like me, only rich. And younger.
There’s stuff about a mine. And there’s this:
Yeah, people are moaning about how you don’t cut grass like that. SERIOUSLY?? Who GIVES A CRAP. CUT grass like that, Ross Poldark!! You CUT that grass! You know what else???
Yeah. Just take everything off. Cut the grass naked. I’d be fine with that. You can’t talk about how hot Ross Poldark is and not stare at this GIF for, oh… a few hours, at least.
It’s AIDAN TURNER! So hot. Such an amazing accent. All things you appreciate! But even better, on this show, Ross is SUCH a tortured bad boy. You constantly want to hold him and make it better.
And he gets angry and mouths off all the time. Which is why when he’s a good boy, you love him even more. I LOVE YOU ROSS.
Look at that face. He wants EVERYONE to watch!
Poldark is the bee’s knees. Why were you so late? Who’s watching Poldark?
Written by Andee
Andee lives in NY and sings a whole hell of a lot. When she’s not singing, she’s generally watching loads of television, and when not watching loads of TV she’s reading many things. She has no pets, no kids, and no husbands (applications now being accepted). Andee teaches music and theatre and sets aside two minutes of each class to fan girl with students about whatever is currently awesome on TV, because she’s an awesome teacher.