It was because of the music: Iron & Wine.
“Flightless Bird, American Mouth” made the hair on my arms stand up with just the first line: “I was a quick-wet boy, diving too deep for coins…” It’s been seven years since I first heard that song, and it’s still one of my favorites.
But just like Edward at a blood drive, I couldn’t get enough, and my obsession with Iron & Wine led to my groupie-in-spirit following of others in the world of indie singer-songwriter. If the guy looks like showering is something that doesn’t have to be a part of his daily or even weekly routine, crashes on his friend’s couch in Portland is his version of accommodations, has a beard no matter the weather, and plays the guitar? Chances are you’re in my iMusic.
With so many indie singers coming out of the woodworks (and I don’t mean figuratively), who deserves your $7.99 on iTunes?
Here are just some of my favorite singer-songwriters. Get ready to get your placid, head nodding, sometime sullen groove on.
Bon Iver
As another discovery from my New Moon soundtrack, Bon Iver’s contribution “Rosyln” perfectly foreshadowed the breakup we fans knew that was coming but dreaded anyway. With singer-songwriter Justin Vernon leading the charge, the band effortlessly blends the lead singer’s tranquil voice together with prolific lyrics. The result? You discovering your iMusic replay feature.
Must Have Song: “Re:Stacks”
Jose Gonzalez
Pandora is a beautiful invention, and I think Will Glaser, Jon Kraft, and Tim Westergren (creators of Pandora, once again a beautiful invention) deserve the Nobel Peace Prize -or at least a high five, which ever comes first-since it was through my Iron & Wine station that I discovered Jose Gonzalez.
Hailing from the land of Ikea furniture and gummy candy in the shape of what looks like to be red trout, Jose Gonzalez has been a fixture on the indie singer-songwriter scene since 2007. But my love for Jose started just a few years ago when I first heard “Heartbeats.” If his hypnotic voice doesn’t make you want to drop everything, move to a 350 sq. ft. apartment in Sweden and fill it with Ektorp furniture, nothing will.
Plus, I’m pretty sure he’s Oscar Issac’s older, rebellious brother who left home to discover his passion for music despite parental expectations for his budding law career. Leave my fantasy alone.
Must Have Song: “Heartbeats”
Ben Howard
My love for Ben Howard started in my aesthetician’s office. Rather than play Enya or sounds of a babbling brook while she scraps a layer of my face off, she put on Ben Howard. Hearing him tell me to “keep your head up, keep your strong” brought to tears to my eyes, but truth be told it was most likely the stinging of the toner.
Ben Howard is the every girl’s dream: he’s British, he plays the guitar and sings, he surfs, and his hair says to you, “Put your hands through it, he won’t mind.” (Side note: Don’t do that. I bet he would mind.)
But it was his song “Promise” that made me fall deeper in musical love with Ben Howard. With haunting guitars and melody, his simplistic honesty makes for one of the most heart wrenching songs:
And promise me this
You’ll wait for me only
Scared of the lonely arms
Surface, far below these burn
And maybe, just maybe I’ll come home
Oh, Ben. I promise. Just bring the guitar with you. I have a spot on my bed couch futon waiting.
Must Have Song: “Promise”
Who are your indie darlings? Which singer-songwriter has stolen your heart? Tweet us or leave a message!