In an earlier TN post, Katy eloquently lists all of the reasons Frank Randall deserves some fangirl lovin’ and I couldn’t agree more. If you haven’t read it, go do that now and even if you have read it, go back and read it again. I’ll wait…
Okay, so for those reasons alone, Frank is one hot commodity: spy, professor, fanboy, down to get down. These attributes… in any other story would have Frank starring as the leading man. Instead, poor Frank is relegated to Jacob Black status – minus the creepy imprinting. Sorry, the odds were never in your favor.
By all accounts, Claire and Frank had a great marriage and were inseparable before the war. She spends half of the book trying to get back to him, even after she’s married. Although she does eventually choose to stay with Jamie, Claire continues to wear her wedding ring from Frank. That speak volumes about their relationship and the man Frank was..or is? or will be? Screw it, you know what I mean. That ring is a constant visual reminder of the life she once shared with someone else. If Frank is such a bad, why not take it off?
Claire loved him once; she just loves Jamie more. And maybe deep down a tiny part of her will always love him… In the way that you will always love your first boyfriend even though he went off to camp and cheated on you with some tramp who had a car.
The first time I read Outlander, I kept imagining Frank drunk and crying over Claire as he cut up old photos while listening to Brain McKnight on repeat? Surely, I’m not alone.
Then of course the WEDDING happened.
And as I puffed on my post coital cigarette (not really, kids – smoking is bad) and basked in the afterglow, I, like Claire, began asking Frank-who?
But eventually, my mind would wander back to Frank. What was he doing while his wife was falling in love with a hot Scottish virgin? I loved how it was handled. I had all sorts of feels for Frank during “Both Sides Now” and for the briefest of moments, I was kinda hoping that she would get back to Tobi-uh-Frank. How could you not?
The simple answer: a tragic figure who has d-bag tendencies. Do you honestly think a complete d-bag would take his preggers wife back after she’d been gone for 3 years, raise the kid as his own, and support said wife through med school?
Personally, I gave Frank major props for not having Claire committed. Anyone see Girl Interrupted? Women were committed for less back in the day.
Now, I do agree, Frank says and does some d-bag things. I’ve gotten irritated and frustrated with him as well. You’re never gonna find the solution to your marital problems in someone else’s thighs.
But think about it…the man was dealt a crap hand. As soon as Claire reemerged, Frank was in an impossible situation. If he had divorced her, he’d risk a scandal and looking like an a**hole. If he stayed with her, then he’s living with a wife who will forever be in love with another man. Frank never stood a chance.
In the books, we never get Frank’s side of things. We learn everything through the other characters. The majority of the information is filtered through Claire (not the most reliable narrator) and as a result, our view of Frank is shaped by her personal feelings. I’ve noticed that people aren’t always 100% truthful when it comes to talking about their exes and past relationships. Shocking I know.
Claire says she hates that Frank has cheated but does she really? He makes the point that it obviously didn’t matter enough to say anything about it. Agreed. This is the woman who got super pissed when she thought Jamie had snuck off to be with Leghaire after their return to Leoch. Claire is not one to shy away from confrontation; so why then did she never confront Frank until the end?
Also, can you imagine living with someone who has a “glass face” the way that Claire does? Knowing every time your wife was thinking about someone else. Never having her 100% present. That would wear on anyone. I’m not trying to make excuses for Frank’s bad behavior, but I do think he’s not the only one at fault.
Frank Randall not a bad guy. He is your average everyday spy turned history professor who is married to a time traveler and raising a child conceived in the 18th century by the world’s hottest Highland warrior. And he happens to have some d-bag tendencies – hey, who doesn’t?
So can we all cut the guy some slack? Poor Frank had his fair share of suffering… he did die after all. Does he really deserve everyone’s hate as well? Besides, it’s not like he married Leghaire…..
What do you think? Are we (the Outlander people) unfair to Frank too often?
Written by Mollie
Mollie is a Writer, Librarian, Sports fanatic, Book lover, TV addict, Redhead and the World’s Greatest Aunt. She has a mug that says so. Follow her on Twitter: @readheadreader