Eureka originally ran from 2006 to 2012 on the Syfy channel. Despite being cancelled abruptly, it is one of the most successful series the channel ever produced. The show was set in a fictional town populated entirely by scientific geniuses. As you can imagine chaos and hijinks ensued, which left lead protagonist Jack Carter – the town sheriff and only non genius – to clean up the mess. It’s a quirky mix of The Office and The X-Files. Here’s what I love about it.
4. There’s a Stark.
I really have no idea how this ties to the Marvel Universe, but anytime there is a cocky, beautiful Stark on my TV screen I get giddy. This one comes in the form of Nathan Stark, a brilliant mathematician and anti-hero of Eureka.
He eventually is “dematerialized” to another universe, presumably the one where he’s called Tony and runs Stark Enterprises. All of that would be a silly conclusion, except for the fact that Stan Lee himself makes several cameos throughout the series.
3. It’s PG rated.
I don’t care to watch a cartoon about a backpack that sings riddles anymore than I want my six-year-old kid to learn the birds and the bees from Black Jack Randall. Eureka circumvents age and gender barriers by creating a world that everyone can enjoy. The science experiments gone awry are never particularly gross or scary and watching the characters work through them tends to be pretty funny.
2. Jo and Zane
Jo Lupo is a former U.S. Army Ranger/Deputy Sheriff who doesn’t take crap from anybody. One of her more famous quotes is, “Good afternoon! My name is Jo Lupo and I’ll be saving your ass today!” When she’s not cleaning her vast collection of weapons, Jo can often be seen scanning ads in magazines like Modern Mercenary for possible suitors.
The character never shies away from love, despite her rough exterior. Through the course of the series she dated a robot, a dog catcher and, of course, Zane Donovan. Zane is the antithesis of Jo. He’s incredibly smart, but also very mischievous. Their relationship starts out antagonistic … because of course it does … and winds up being super adorable.
At the beginning of season 4, the entire timeline is altered just after Zane proposes. Zane doesn’t remember their relationship, but Jo does. Even though she does her best to hide her feelings, Zane falls in love all over again. By the end of the series, it is Jo that gets down on one knee. Zane says yes to her proposal and all is right with the world.
1. Sheriff Carter
Jack Carter is “every man,” a fact that is pointed out to him in almost every single episode. He’s not a genius and he’s not particularly athletic either. He helps the town with his uncanny intuition and ability to remain calm … at least most of the time. Sometimes even Jack is pushed to his limits. Like when he says, “I swear to god, if this turns into a zombie attack, I am quitting.”
As the series develops he definitely becomes the glue that holds Eureka together. He has a mentor relationship with Jo Lupo, shows a very genuine fatherly love for his delinquent daughter Zoe and hides – albeit poorly – romantic inclinations towards the town doctor/ head honcho/ serious career woman Allison. He is the character that every audience member can relate to, whether he’s defeating an evil robot or chowing down on a double bacon cheeseburger.
Sci-fi, comedy and romance blend perfectly in this little show nobody’s ever heard of. Give it a try this summer!
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