Outlander Press
We kicked off our day with Outlander Press. Beth, Nikki and I hightailed it over to the press room with Julie who we THREW TO THE WOLVES for her first on-camera interview. Fun Fact: We’ve been talking with Julie online for about 6+ months now, but this week was the first time any of us have met her. And it was glorious. We knew from her hilarious posts and comedy sessions on Hangoutlander, she would be a perfect fit for an on-camera interview. And she was. Video interviews with Diana, Ron, Sam and Cait to come SOON!
FUN FACT: Sam drinks black coffee

Keeping it Classy TN: Bekah stands on chair to get perfect shot (she removed her shoes, AFTER she saw some man do it..)
Killing it with cuteness guys. @samheughan @caitrionabalfe @outlander_starz #tnsdcc #outlander A photo posted by That’s Normal (@thats_normal) on
Warner Brother’s Panel
While we were standing on chairs for photo opps and licking coffee cups from Scottish celebs*, Jamie booked it over to Hall H to sit in on the Warner Brother’s panel. Full details to come directly from the source SOON, but she considers this the highlight of her con and is excited about Batman vs. Superman and Justice League in a way she wasn’t before the panel!
Crimson Peak
Nikki got into the Crimson Peak panel in Hall H because #Hiddleston and also went to a Nerdist panel with our pal Emily later Saturday night. All-in-all it was a Hiddleston-filled day and she said Crimson Peak looks freaky yet GOOD and she’ll have more to share SOON! But for now…
#TomHiddleston rocking his modern day Miami Vice chic suit and tee. #miawasikowska #crimsonpeak #sdcc A photo posted by That’s Normal (@thats_normal) on
Whatever the Eff Katy did
The problem with Comic Con is that if you’re not staying at the same hotel, or, in reality, in the same ROOM, you lose your friends pretty quickly. One of my closest friends was in a hotel just 8 blocks away and that might as well be another state. We saw each other for a few minutes the WHOLE week. Katy wasn’t staying at TN HQ, so while we saw her at a few parties throughout the week, most of our communication was by text, when we could get service. Katy killed it AGAIN for SDCC the second year in a row. More details to come from her in the coming days, but she went to a Sleepy Hollow Brunch, saw a hot bearded fellow:
Stopped by the bearded hottie exhibit at #SDCC & observed one in his natural habitat. #TNSDCC #pleasefeedthecougars A photo posted by That’s Normal (@thats_normal) on
and has a story about this headless Vikings thing (from her boat cruise!) that I’m sure she’ll tell us about!
#totallynormal #VikingsSDCC #sunsetcruise #TNSDCC A photo posted by That’s Normal (@thats_normal) on
Other stuff
Before the Outlander panel, we walked the Hall and saw our friend and artist Des Taylor:
And got a picture with these handsome fellows:
And Nikki charged her phone behind a bunch of trash cans:
Sigh. Hashtag Comic Con
Outlander Panel
Okay we know why you’re here. You want to know ALLLLL about the Outlander panel. Well, you’re in luck because we have it on video.
Okay… confession: we have it ALL except the good stuff you actually WANT to see: the behind-the-scenes footage from Season 2. According to Ron this footage will never be shown again- it was exclusively for Comic Con and was NOT allowed to be recorded. It’s hard to describe what we saw in words, but we can say that season 2 looks AWESOME yet different. It’s French! The costumes, the hairstyles, the look and feel is far removed from Outlander Season 1 and we’re excited for the direction they are going!
The panel was great and Kristen Dos Santos (the moderator) did a great job keeping up the excitement and energy of the crowd and guest panelist. Also the scotch helped.
Oh yeah, she made Sam dress as a Pirate per some “bet” he and Colin O’Donoghue made:
Smoldering #pirate @samheughan who won/lost a bet with @kristindossantos of #ewmagazine. #outlander #sdcc @outlander_starz A photo posted by That’s Normal (@thats_normal) on
We are excited for season 2, but sad to report there is NO NEWS On a premiere date yet. DON’T MAKE US WAIT SO LONG, STARZ!!!
Parties upon Parties upon Parties
Basically my goal for Comic Con is: Don’t ever pay for Drinks. This year, my goal was met (Besides us paying for a PARTY where we covered a *few* drinks). We had party plans every night. WE’VE MADE IT GUYS. And I think my favorite was the NBC digital party on Saturday night.
It was held on the roof of this GORGEOUS hotel with the world’s most perfect lighting. Proof:
And a few NBC VIPs stopped by. Not pictured: Seth Meyers.
Plus Beth, Julie and Jamie talked with the show runner of the upcoming Neil Gaiman adaptation on Starz American Gods, Bryan Fuller:
Huge hugs from Bryan Fuller … And a great conversation about #AmericanGods. #SDCC #tnsdcc A photo posted by Beth Thorne (@bethorne) on
We are SO excited for this show!
Then we ran into THIS guy in the street:

L to R: Julie, Bekah, Beth, That guy from a Princess for Christmas and Ashley (TN reader/new friend)
Long story short: We ran into two TN-Outlander friends on the street who heard Sam was at a certain important Comic Con Party. They were waiting by the party exit. While we were talking with them we saw Stephen Amell exit, Emma Roberts and finally we heard Beth say, “Hi there, Sam Heughan.” Details are fuzzy because #freechampagne, but we’re pretty sure Sam had a good time. There was a suit on his body. Enough said.
That does it for Day 3 of our SDCC Recap! While technically Comic Con goes on through Sunday, the only things we’ve ever done on Sunday are shop and complain about how tired we are. Beth left early Sunday morning so Jamie, Nikki and I went over to the convention Hall for a few hours to pick up a few gifts, pose for a few pictures:
and complain about the crowds.
SDCC was such a great time this year! We hope you’ve enjoyed our coverage and look for DETAILS on our favorite panels in coming days!