And while the OG Fans and Ladies politely and intelligently debated the merits of an unknown, blonde and decidedly unburly actor deigning to don dirk and plaid to bring their fappptasy to life, all while trying to figure out Twitter Web so they could yell “FIRST” out into the fandom void … I wrote a little blog post:
Let Me Introduce You To Sam Heughan & the End of My Sanity
… and suddenly Sam Heughan and his soon to be many legions of fans (can you BE a fandom hipster and still have a CompuServe log-in, or do you have to have CompuServe log-in to BE a fandom hipster?) took over That’s Normal. *waves* Hey, guys.
In two years, I’ve written A LOT about Sam.
There was that time I really wanted to talk about how much I loved Jamie Fraser, but we didn’t have pics of Sam with red hair, so I made this gorgeousness.
I now use these skills to help the hair department in their ever-increasing search for the Perfect Coiffure.
That time they told us we weren’t getting any Jamie Fraser on TV until SUMMER 2014 (remember when it was going to be like February??? Hahahahahaha, good times).
That time I went def-con level 15 fangirl mode, and said I wasn’t ashamed (here’s a hint … I’m a little ashamed of this now):
Sam Heughan Conquers Scotland (and me) with One Public Appearance
But I am still TOTALLY into the derp on this gif:
I will never be able to thank you enough, @rogerwakefield
That Time the Original Life Size Jamie Was Born
That time I had to clarify how to fandom before the first Outlander event, because of Real Reasons.
The first time he got naked for me us.
OMG, his birthday post. *hides forever*
The time I had to tell him how worried I was for his collar bone’s allergic sensitivity to clothing, and we coined #StanHogan only to never use it again.
The first time I interviewed him, and practically begged him to say fans scared him.
And the most recent time I interviewed him, when … well …
We came full circle, Sam.
And let’s not forget ALL the Top Ten Moments, Hangoutlanders, Twitter convos, interviews, accidental fan follows and op-ed pieces about Hobbit Hair that have happened in between. It’s been a super fun two years, Samwise Heughan. Here’s to many more.
See you in a couple of days,
Your Best Friend Least Crazy Fan,
What have been your favorite Sam Heughan moments in the last two years? What do you want That’s Normal to ask him at San Diego Comic Con this week?
Oh, that’s right, we will be at Comic-Con again this week, doing important media outlet things like ignoring panels, getting day drunk, attending rooftop parties we were marginally invited to, and maybe interviewing a few people who write books and TV shows and movies and things. Follow #TNSDCC on Twitter and Instagram for all our shenanigans (and yes, some on camera stuff with the folks from Outlander).