By the time that I made it into the WB Pictures panel, the preview for Pan just began. Visually it looks awesome; plot-wise I’m unsure if I want another savior/Jesus allegory movie. Plus, add in the whole “white washing” controversy and I’m feeling like this is a movie that I will definitely see…on demand, from my sofa.
When the panel switched over to DC Comics movies, the entire vibe of the room changed. I start to notice that there are screens not only in the front of the room, but along the side walls. Images start to float across all of the screens and my insides start to vibrate (note: I later realized that I was standing at a likely unhealthy distance from a subwoofer.) The crowd in Hall H goes WILD. I’m going wild!
We see images from the comics, the characters, we realize that the Green Lantern movie is going to have multiple green lanterns! Finally, the director for the Suicide Squad and the actors come out straight from filming the night before. Panel moderator Aisha Taylor is beyond psyched. We see a trailer/first look that dispels any doubts about what Warner Bros. or DC films is doing. This is going to be AMAZING.
Not only do we get villains for heroes (I mean, who doesn’t like a bad boy?), gone will be doing the right thing and more of getting sh*t done! Harley looks straight out of Christina Aguilera’s Dirrty video and I’m totally buying it. The joker isn’t Heath Ledger, but it works regardless. The squad looks badass. I’m totally on board.
Finally, we get to Superman vs. Batman panel and clips. Just being in such close proximity to Henry Cavill gets my heart pumping (or it was that sub-woofer — perhaps both?) We learn that Metropolis and Gotham are sister cities. The dichotomy between these cities is never more apparent nor between these two super heroes. Interestingly, the problems that I had with Man of Steel actually set the stage for this movie. There are consequences to gods fighting in a major city, crashing and destroying buildings. We see why Batman thinks Superman needs to be stopped. Sign me up. My body is ready. I want to go to there. I NEED THIS MOVIE.
She is only on the screen briefly, but Wonder Woman doesn’t look half bad! Perhaps kickass? Only time will tell.
I am ready for these movies. Perhaps I am setting my expectations too high, but I believe these will be really really good.
In the meantime, can we have more Henry Cavill working out, please?
What do you think of these Trailers/First Looks? Was it full body chills or the subwoofer? Am I too optimistic about these movies?