Hands down, this became one of my most memorable experiences. Spoiler Alert: I’ve never interviewed celebrities. So, in order to prepare, I over prepared. Totally I’m-Trying-To-Get-Extra-Credit-But-I-Already-Have-An-A-Plus prepared. For each person, I had five questions, and a bonus question just in case. I went through drafts of my questions, subjected friends and family members to fashion shows of possible on-camera dresses (Yes, I know that I wasn’t really going to be seen on camera, but I refused to stand in front of Sam Heughan in yoga pants and a t-shirt that tells him, “Suns Out. Guns Out”.) and maybe at some point, I held a hairbrush as a microphone. Don’t judge.
Of course preparing for it and actually being there are two different fields. All those questions? Condense them because you’re now interviewing two people at once. Hoping to ask one more question. Time’s up. But here’s the thing: I wouldn’t change my time there even in the slightest way. Beth, Bekah, and Nikki could not have been more supportive and calm, and it made me completely proud to be a part of That’s Normal. (Also, shout out for Jamie who gave me the idea of asking about French curse words. You need to tweet her your thanks because it was brilliant.)
Diana and crew were kind and generous, answering the questions with thought and detail. Not once did I have to pull out the “So, what are you wearing today?” or “Hey, Sam. Do we still freak you out at That’s Normal?” questions.
My first time was beautiful, gentle, and magical. Essentially, it was a Nicholas Sparks’ love story minus the rain and someone dying.
So, here are the interviews. Be kind, remember that it was my first time, and yes, Sam is hotter in person.
Diana Gabaldon & Ron Moore
First, I had to mentally remind myself, “Julie, whatever you do, do not interchange their names: Diana Moore and Ron Gabaldon.” Trust me, it would have happened. Both of them were above and beyond generous in their answers and not once was there an awkward moment. (Nikki edited out when the publicist cut me off, and I will be forever grateful to her for that.) And with all the flack he received from certain fans during a Twitter chat about what they felt was lacking from the show or what should happen in the second season, Ron Moore proved with his answers that Outlander is in the most capable hands. I wanted to give him a hug, but I read a room and resisted.
Caitriona Balfe & Sam Heughan
As I was interviewing the pair, the following thoughts were running through my mind:
- Caitriona Balfe is the epitome of elegance and grace, and I feel like if we were to star in a romantic comedy, I would the quirky best friend or the awkward sibling to her cool and collected heroine who just wants to find love in the big city.
- My goal for 2015 & 2016: to get white girl wasted with Caitriona Balfe. I’ve heard she can hold her liquor and you know she’s the type of friend who wouldn’t mind holding your hair back.
- HOLY SHIT! Sam’s tall. (Somewhere, Diana is saying, “I told you all so!”) He also has a firm handshake, which I’m sure is a sign of something. You can come up with that conclusion.
- Of course you can cuss, Sam. We’re That’s Normal: we get excited when your Scottish mouth drops an f-bomb or says “pussy” during an interview. In short, we become giddy 14 year old girls to your inner 18 year old bad boy.
- Compared to Sam and Cait’s heights, I know I look like I’m from the Lollipop Guild.
That’s me in 3 inch heels. Just put me in some pantaloons and suspenders, and hand me a giant lollipop.